Ch. 5.1 Pool Party!!

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The Anolis males huddled on the ground, hugging each other in terror when they saw the InterSpec guards and Alex enter their room. Their eyes were wide and they trembled as one. The Anolis males' frightened breathing hissed and gurgled as they trembled, grating and rasping as they tried to stifle their fear.

"You've been claimed by the freak," one of the Anolis females told them. "Die well."

"Oh shut up," Alex snapped but then she addressed the scared males in a kind tone. "They're sore losers. I promise you'll have the time of your lives. Food, wine, music." She knelt to eye level with them, her soft voice a contrast to her commanding stare. "Those wretched Anolis females will never lay a claw on you again. Please, come with me."

Razz and Lok stepped forward, Razz with a determined gleam in his eye while Lok was a calm green with an amiable smile on his face.

"Alex is a Guardian here to rescue you and protect you," Razz said. "I will dissemble the lies the Anolis females have told you all your lives. Follow us."

Lok winked at them. "We really will have a lot of food and drink. A lot."

They trooped back to Alex's room, the males still trembling, while Alex counted heads. Once inside, Alex said to Razz. "That's twenty." She turned to the harem. "Anyone left behind? You're safe here from the Anolis females."

They shook their heads, still looking terrified, trembling and clutching each other.

"Kill me quickly," one begged.

"What?" Alex looked upward in frustration. "What have those fire truck females told you? Wait." She held up a hand. "I don't want to know. There will be no killing, no torturing, no icky sex stuff. Razz, please bring them up to speed while I change. Trac, Kress, please ready the victory bath. Lok, please join us. Looks like Zilik is still detained by overzealous InterSpec police."

Alex walked into the changing room.

"My first victory bath," Lok said to Razz, who smiled indulgently.

Razz made a gesture and the males sat down as a unit. "No touching Alex. Only Alex does the touching. Clothing remains on during the night. In fact, no nudity at all. We oil each other. Do not ask Alex. Alex does not require oiling. Do not offer. Be careful when she awakens because she startles easily. If you awaken at night yourself, be quiet. You might see her glowing. Say nothing. It is her power. What you feel depends on you, not her. Keep it to yourself and do not embarrass Alex or yourself by discussing this particular power. Have I made myself clear?" Razz's gaze raked over them.

The twenty males nodded obediently.

"Then it is time for the victory bath. Behave and do not crowd Alex. You owe her your lives and your freedom."

Lok said with a smile, "If only I could describe what beautiful days are yet to come, what marvelous secrets would be revealed to you. Secrets about life as a free being, about what love is like, and so many, many more things."

Alex was sliding a shirt over her bathing suit top as the Anolis males filed in.

"Everybody good?" she asked.

"Razz was very thorough briefing them," Lok said. "I learned a great deal about you."

Alex groaned.

"I learned that nobody touches you," Lok held up a claw. "You don't need oiling." He held up a second claw. "No nudity." He held up a third claw.

Alex slapped her forehead.

"You glow at night and that the receiver determines what is felt." Lok held up a fourth claw.

Alex buried her face in her hands.

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