CH. 13.1 Run, Just Run

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Alex had to scramble to make all her preparations, her face is flushed bright pink. She begged Rofe prettily to heal the prostitutes, who smiled and told her that she didn't have to beg. Alex shot off for the Mercy Tent and told Dola and Raba her plan. Then they were the ones scrambling. The girls giggled and ran around, helping them fix food and prepare new bedrolls.

When Drake arrived with his sorry-looking entourage, worn from running from Flint's guards, the Mercy Tent was decked out in party regalia. The scent of cooking food wafted on the air and several of the older girls played music. In front of the tent was a long table covered with a lace tablecloth and holding bowls of stew, bread, plates, and flatware. Cale, and Rile prowled the perimeter, protecting those inside with steady hands on their swords.

Rofe waited at the boulder with two of his female assistants. Alex sat on the boulder, her legs swinging, her hands fidgeting and pushing hair from her eyes. She recognized the defeated expressions of the battered prostitutes. Each female seemed different from the last. Some were slouched with their heads down, some were hunched, some with their hands held clenched in front of them. Some of their faces swollen and raw where they had been slapped, or otherwise injured.

The female assistants spoke kindly to the prostitutes and removed crude bandages and splints before Rofe examined them. Then the assistants applied salves and re-bandaged or re-splinted as necessary. Drake leaned against the boulder, arm still in a sling.

"What's going on down there?" one prostitute was bold enough to ask as a wave of scent of wild berries, cooking food, wine, wafted over them.

"It's your welcoming party," Alex asked, her legs still swinging. "For all of you."

The prostitutes exchanged surprised glances.

Alex hopped off the boulder and stood next to Drake. She put her hand on her hip. "Go on, Drake. Tell them."

"The Guardian paid for any who wanted to leave and join the Mercy Tent," he said. "You're free to go."

"Our Mercy Tent is unusual," Alex said. "It's a lot of fun. Food, wine, parties, dancing, music. Go on. At least take a look. You can come back if you don't like it."

Two of the prostitutes looked at each other, shrugged, and started walking down toward the tent.

"At least have something to eat," Alex told the others. "Meet the little girls. They're very sweet."

"Those were Flint's girls?" one prostitute asked.

"Past tense," Alex said. "Like Flint will be past tense once I get my hands on him." Alex held up a glowing red hand. "My hand will soooo not feel good to Flint for a very, very long time. Unless I lose control and kill him and it hurts the whole, long, time he is dying."

Another two prostitutes started walking down to the Mercy Tent.

Alex turned to the last four. "Well?"

"Drake rescued us. We aren't leaving him," the tallest one said, crossing her arms.

Alex looked at Drake, who held up his hands helplessly. Alex turned back to the prostitutes.

"Loyalty is a good thing if you are loyal to something worthwhile. Did you know that Drake offered to trade y'all for me?" Alex's accent slipped with distress.

At their look of mistrust, she held up a glowing white hand and her look was malicious. "Y'all can't compete with this. I'm still considering his offer. It had other perks to it. Go to that Mercy Tent."

They looked stubborn, so Alex strolled over to Drake with deliberate slowness, letting her hips roll. Drake watched with rising interest; the prostitutes with anger. Alex could see the rage in their faces and smirked at them. It caught Rile's attention down at the Mercy Tent and he started to jog toward them.

"Drake can't protect you while no one has ever gotten through the defenses of the Mercy Tent," Alex said.

Her gaze flicked over the prostitutes, then Rile running closer. When the prostitutes didn't move, her mouth drew into a thin line.

"Fine, ladies. Try being loyal to Drake now," Alex said.

Alex stroked her glowing hand up Drake's good arm to his neck, down his chest and then back up his neck. She leaned forward and kissed him. His expression was one of shock.

"Alex, are you sure? Did you ask Rile?" He took her glowing hand and kissed the palm.

"Leave Rile to me," she told him. She turned to the prostitutes. "Y'all don't have a chance. Go to that Mercy Tent now."

Drake waved off the prostitutes and they walked away, passing Rile. Alex faced Drake, almost nose to muzzle, her hand no longer glowing.

"You better run now," she said urgently. "I'm in it deep. I lied. I don't think I have a chance convincing Rile. We'll talk later about your new vocation and figure something out. For now, run, just run."

Drake ran.



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