CH 18.1 Death of a Lavender Bush

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Alex was sharing a celebratory bottle of wine with Razz, Drake, Trac, Kress and Lok in her temporary quarters at the Chameleon Embassy. There was a bottle of wine on the table, its contents a deep red liquid. Next to it was a pile of saucer plates and cups. Razz, Drake, Trac, Kress and Lok were all sitting around the table. They were chatting, laughing and generally having a good time.

The door was flung open and the Komodo Dragon guard called out, "Council Pres-"

"You cut off their hands!!" Zilik shouted as he strode in, his color a fierce red, and lashing his tail.

Alex raised her mug of wine to him, a satisfied smile on her face. "Nice touch, don't you think?"

Zilik's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he gaped at her, while Razz and Drake raised their mugs of wine in a toast. Lok tried to pat Zilik on the shoulder but ended up jumping out of the way of his tail.

"The Anolis Kuni wants your head on a stick!" Zilik shouted.

Alex slapped her hands on the table and leaned forward, eyes flashing fire and vengeance. "She can come and get it!"

"This isn't about your crusade! The Kuni has asked for the Council to back her and imprison you and deliver you to her palace!" Zilik's tail knocked over a ceramic pot, sending a cascade of dirt and lavender bush spilling onto the floor.

"Is it just my crusade?" Alex shouted back. "This isn't about me! It's about freeing the Anolis males!" She took a deep breath and said more calmly, "You and Lok both work on this when I'm not here, right?" She looked around the room, her eyes pleading for understanding and sat back in her chair. "Right? I'm not some 'one mammal crusade', am I?"

Razz walked over to her and for once, he was taller than her. He hugged her and she rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heartbeat. Razz stroked her hair and she closed her eyes, letting herself be comforted by his presence. She felt loved and accepted in his arms, like no insult or accusation could touch her. He was always on her side, always defending her and she loved him for it.

"Did I screw up again?" Alex asked him pitiably. "I thought I was helping."

"Of course you are helping. You are a Guardian and you are fighting as you should. Zilik is merely being protective of you and, I believe, being the Council President to an extreme degree. You are not a 'one mammal crusade'. We all work on our own levels. Trac and Kress are even finding Anolis non-warrior females to support us. I did not tell you because I did not believe that you could accept any Anolis females."

Alex snorted and pulled away. "You think?" She grinned ruefully. "You are eminently correct, my wonderful and perceptive Razz. Better keep all of them away from me."

Drake politely cleared his throat. "So as I see it, Alex must stay away from non-combatant Anolis females and Zilik must stick to his role as Council President, away from Alex's politically volatile activities. Am I correct?"

Zilik's color faded to a light red with streaks of green. "As I see it, Alex must stop enraging the Anolis Kuni and let me work with the Council and Trac and Kress with other Anolis females. Let the change come from the inside. If Alex continues to provoke the Anolis Kuni, there will be bloodshed."

Alex rolled her eyes but before she could speak, Razz said, "Zilik, please continue your work with the Council. Right now, please, President. Alex is not the type to back down from a fight and we will deal with her."

As if on cue, Lok stood up and smoothly snaked his arm through Zilik's. "Come, Council President, we have work to do."

Zilik's body was tense, and he seemed like he wanted to pull away, but he went with Lok nonetheless. His complaining voice could be heard saying, "And you'll let Alex continue, I suppose."

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