CH 20.1 Life Is Not Fair

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The lights dimmed to signal the end of the party. Rile placed his arm around Alex's waist and steered her out to the carriage. His brothers, Drake, and Razz climbed into the carriage with him. Lok, Trac, Kress, and Zilik climbed into another carriage.

The carriage returned to InterSpec. The guests piled out and flowed into InterSpec like a river and trailed Alex into the guest quarters.

"Do we have to sleep with everyone?" Rile whined as they entered the bedroom, the floor covered in soft blankets and fluffy mattresses. His gaze were cast down to the floor and his arms were crossed over his chest.

"Yes," Alex said in a gentle tone but her word was clearly final. "It's not every day I have slumber parties with my favorite beings in the universe. Don't begrudge me that. You sleep with me every night."

Rile agreed but he was clearly pouting. His bottom lip was thrust out and his eye-ridges were furrowed. He looked like a child who had been told he couldn't have candy before dinner.

"I'll make it up to you later. Nice long flight with a wing massage after," Alex said.

"Please stop," Drake said. "We all can hear you."

Drake's voice was loud and clear, echoing in the bedroom. Gabe and Cale both nodded, while Razz tilted his head to the side, observing the scene.

"Drake?" Alex asked, surprised.

"You may not be my type, but who wouldn't want to fly and have their wings massaged?"

"It is rather cruel," Cale said, a bit pitiably.

"Very," Gabe said wistfully. "Not only is flying exhilarating, the idea of someone massaging our wings sounds heavenly."

"I'm sorry," Alex said. "I'll whisper next time. Y'all know I'll take you flying anytime but no massages after."

"Well, now I'm intrigued," Lok said with a grin. "I don't even have wings."

"We could still be massaged," Zilik said. "After a nice long flight, it would be amazing."

"Y'all stop." Alex blushed.

"Stop teasing Alex," Razz said. "You know that she is shy about mating rituals and all things sexual. Now you are being cruel."

"Sleeping!" Alex flopped onto the middle of the mattresses and covered her head with a pillow.

Rile chuckled and nudged next to her until he was able to clasp her to his chest. Razz snuggled to her front. Lok was quick to lie next to Razz and curl his tail around Alex's leg. Gabe jammed his back against Rile's and Cale lay next to Gabe.

Alex's eyelids pressed together and her breathing slowed, but not before she felt the warmth of familiar bodies spooning against her. She breathed in the musk of her friends and couldn't help but want to curl against the all of them. Then everyone else arranged themselves as well, but Alex was already asleep.


The moons were high in the sky and all but the guards were slumbering when brilliant blue-white light enveloped the bedroom. The light was cool and soothing, with a fresh scent like after a rainstorm

Everyone scrambled to attention at the appearance of the Portal Guardian, her form shifting from human to Agama reaching from floor to ceiling. Her wings of blue light gently fanned from wall to wall, creating a sense of calm in the room. She was a beautiful sight to behold, and everyone felt safe in her presence.

Alex groaned and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "Will you ever come at a decent hour? Sheesh, I thought the Adversary was the being of darkness," Alex asked and Rile clamped his hand over her mouth.

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