CH. 7.3 Proposals

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Cale paused on entrance to the healing tent and Alex waited with him. The place was a soulful, warm space with the wall embroidered with nature scenes or brilliant patterns with bright colors. Pillows were piled here and there, and the cots were covered in a thick, plump quilts. It smelled of warm, soapy water, eucalyptus, and clean linen. The healer bustled over, smiling with relief.

"Cale, son of Gideon, and Guardian Alex so good of you to come. We've had a terrible outbreak of hide rot. The adults will be fine in time, but Cale, you know the hatchlings need intensive care and are at terrible risk."

"I have an idea about that," Cale said. "Do you know Dola and Raba at the mercy tent?"

"Yes, of course. I remember when Dola came with little Pala. She was one lost female but with more courage and determination than I've seen in a battalion of archers."

"What do you think of her and Raba helping you?"

The healer beamed. "An excellent suggestion for many reasons. They are far too isolated there and with extra hands, more of the hatchlings will survive. Cale, will you please take a look?"

Cale nodded and turned to Alex. "Will you ask Dola and Raba to come here?"

Alex was glad of the reason to leave. Babies made her nervous and she knew sick babies would throw her into nervous breakdown. When she approached the mercy tent at the edge of camp, Alex was surprised that Dola ran out to meet her. Dola was a mother and she always appeared gentle and timid. Her voice was soothing, and her hands always busy.

Did I make that good of a first impression?

"Guardian, look." Dola pointed at a figure sitting on a rock that waved to them. "It's Drake."

Alex pulled out her sword. "Please tell me he threatened you."

"No, quite the opposite. He's been waiting at the required distance. He wants to talk to you."

"Now isn't that interesting? I don't trust him and I won't talk with him alone," Alex said. She inhaled the clean, metallic scent of her sword to calm herself.

"That's why he came here. He says he wants to talk with you in front of us. He says that way he will have an escort and you won't be alone with him," Dola said.

"Will you tell me if you used to work for Drake?"

"Yes, I did," Dola said. "And Raba as well."

Alex leaned forward, her eyebrows drawn together in a concerned frown. "Any chance of him forcing you back?"

Dola shook her head emphatically. "No. He lets anyone leave freely once they've paid their fees."

"One notch up for the scum," Alex muttered. "Do you think I should talk to him?"

Dola looked shocked, eyes wide, mouth open, and hand on her chest. "You're asking my opinion?"

"Of course, you're a very brave and shrewd mother and you know him."

Dola blinked away her surprise. "Well, I don't see why not. He's being respectful."

"I had a taste of his respect." Alex walked over to Drake, Dola trailing her. Alex did not sheath her sword.

Drake's garments were fine, long-sleeved, and leather-bound that fit him in all the right places. His tunic was embroidered with gold and his pants were of fine fabric. He stood up and his movements were fluid, like water flowing over smooth rocks.

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