Chapter 1

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Crush it.

BoBoiBoy quickly jolted up from his sleep with sweat covering his body.

What was that ?! gasped him.

He held his head while mumbling inchorate words. He sighed and quickly get himself ready.

It's 5 o' clock in the morning.

He shrugged and ruffled his hair.

What is that dream ? It feel so real but it happens not on Earth.

He shook his head.

"Probably, just another play of my dream." whispered him and went out of his room that he shared with Gopal quietly.

"Yeah,, probably."

He walked through the hallway while admiring the view that he found it fascinating. He put his hands on the glass that block the view depressedly. Suddenly, a sudden thoughts came like a turnado in his mind.

It's like shes' gone.

Everytime I went back, she isn't there and when I depart, I caught her glimpse.

He clenched his fist tightly.

The glimpse of sadness but masked it with a smile.

"I hate it." gritted him.

He pulled out a keychain from his pocket carefully while adoring it. It just a simple keychain yet it still the prettiest amongst the others. A red camellia. It's symbolizes love, devotion, affection, and admiration. However, he didn't know the other meanings of it.

"BoBoiBoy ? Why are you still awake at this hour ? You should get rest before doing another missions." voiced Commander KokoCi who slowly approached him.

"Ah- Commander, good morning. It's just - I can't sleep and don't worry, I'm fully charged !" giggled him.

He sighed and approached the boy.

"Everytime we let you go there, you always be like this, BoBoiBoy. Do you think I'm not aware ?" spatted him coldly.

He replied with a light chuckled. KokoCi pinched his temple and looked at him seriously.

"Is this related to that keychain you've been holding ?" questioned him while raising his eyebrows.

"Wha- Urm.. yeah.." mumbled him while bashfully scratched his face.

It's no use hiding it though.. sighed him.

"Yaya told me that there's someone you want to meet but they not there. Is it a girl who give you that ?"

BoBoiBoy's eyes widened in shock.

How you even know ???

"Are you dumb ? Is there any boys give that flowers ?" glared him.

"Ah- yeah. You right, Commander. Tbh, I really miss her but whenever I land, she's not there and her existance is like - completely hidden and whenever I depart, there I see her, under the tree while holding a flower, smile..." he gritted his teeth hatefully.

"- happily." cracked him.

The girl smiled happily but why are you still in this state ? thought KokoCi.

Suddenly, Admiral Tarung who walking nearby noticed their glimpse and walked towards them slowly.

What's wrong with him ? It's my first time looking his horrible state after he fought the aliens. Even KokoCi is there.

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