Chapter 3

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"Oh well, we go with sleep induction !" remarked Yaya happily.

She nodded and giggled while looking at her who rambling about how ( y/n ) will meet them after all this times. Ying knew that she was being jealous of BoBoiBoy who had ( y/n )'s attention all the time. Well not her only. After all, they were rivals even though they were friends.

After packing up, they decided to meet a certain power sphere that they saved. While they were walking in a hallway, they noticed a glimpse of Tanah who crouching on the floor suspiciously.

What is he doing....? sweatdropped them.

Yaya gathered her courage and asked him out of curiosity.

"Tanah ?"

"Opocot-" The boy startled and looked at them shockingly.

"Ah, Yaya... Ying.. ha ha ha ha.." anxious him.

He quickly hid the things that he tried to hide from them. However, Ying, as the time manipulator, could saw what the things that he hid. That wasn't fast enough for her so she could see it anyway. She smirked evilly once she saw the content.

"Heh, such a passion love, Tanah.. such a passion~" teased her.

"I-uhh,, I have my own reasons !!!" panicked him while blushing madly.

"Uh-huh, so what is your own reasons, Mr.Loverboy?" joined Yaya mischievously.

"W-Well, the thing is.. " voiced him timidly.

While Tanah was sweating heavily for being busted, Fang and Gopal went to them. I mean, not everyday you can see Tanah being flabbergasted right ? It's Tanah- not others element~

"Why you both hovering Tanah ?" cut Fang who walking from the opposite hallway while looking at them curiously.

"We're not though." annoyed the girls.

"Your expression says otherwise." added Gopal.

Then, they started to bicker like cats and dogs. Tanah let out his breath that he held. Heck, he even didn't know when he started to hold it. Next before others notice, he changed back to his original state.

"Why are you girls here to begin with ?" concerned BoBoiBoy after hiding his evidence.

"We're going to meet Illu-bot before departing in an hour." told Yaya while looking at him suspiciously.

"Wanna join ?" suggested the girls.

The boys eyed each others and shrugged it off.

It's not like something bad will happen if we go there though. thought the boys.

They nodded and followed them from behind.

"Where are you two come from btw ?" questioned BoBoiBoy.

"Cafeteria." spoke Gopal while jumping happily.

"Missions." said him monotonously.

"What kind of mission... ?" suspected him.

"Carrot donuts." smugged him.

BoBoiBoy gaped while looking at him unbelievably.

Are they really hunting foods ..? thought BoBoiBoy while walking in the room provided once the girls entered the passcode.

No matter how many times they entered, they can't help but awed by the technology. Cactus who lying there yawned widely and waltzed towards them with bellbot hanging on it's neck. BoBoiBoy chuckled and patted it's head warmly.

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