chapter 7

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// why ?

The letter that decorated elegantly piqued the boy interest. ( y/n ) saw his different demeanor towards the letters so she put it on her side while others had been shredded by mini shredding machine that somehow she had.

She scoffed and looked at him straight to his brown eyes with a soft giggled.

"Boi, if your murderous aura could suffocate others, it can kills me."

"Since I'm fragile ! HAHAHAHAHA." laughed her wholeheartedly.

His face twisted after hearing her dark jokes. ( y/n ) wiped her tears but then she noticed that his mood turned sour. She slowly looked down while bitting her lips with the thought of she might hurt his feelings.

Stupid, ( y/n ) ! cursed herself.

He sighed and played with her letters.

"You should stop doing dark jokes like that ( y/n ). It made me like I might lose you anytime." eyed him.

( y/n ) still kept her head down, she didn't like to face an annoy or angry Boboiboy because it gave her goosebumps. Not it disrespectful way but more to fully scare of the truth of he genuinely hate her.

and she admitted that she don't like it at all.

Boboiboy then stood up. ( y/n ) slowly lifted her head in curious. He smiled softly.

"Finally, you look at me." grinned him while showing his small fangs that sometimes could see with thousandth glance.

Her face flushed in embarrassment. Little did they know, a pair of heterochromia's was currently watching her from the tree near those two.

"What time should we act before the downfall, sire ?" asked the subordinate.

"Search her life and bring it to me." spoke the heterochromia.

They kneeled in front of the heterochromia like a knight gave their oath to the person they trusted. With that, they vanished in thin air while the heterochromia stood there and continued to observe her.

After shooing Boboiboy away to do his job, she plopped herself down on the grass.

It was tiring day but this time he is here. giggled her.

She noticed that Camibot didn't make any noises nor talk to her and it made her felt more cautious.

"I assume that there's nothing to be worry." smiled her.

"After all, I get an exception of joining next classes !"

She laid her back while chanting a spells to call her favourite flower. The heterochromia grinned and slowly approached her.

"I hope it last long."

After all, I want to be with him.

A day without him...

I can't say 'I can't imagine..' when it actually happen.


" I do hope that this time at least will last for several years ~ " whispered her while tears slowly dripped from her ( e/c ) eyes.

The heterochromia then halted and focused on ( y/n ) who crying crimson petals.

Huh, so she really is a myth that one could confirm by looking this.

The heterochromia smugged. ( y/n ) looked at the petals that changed from a tear to petals. She then agressively wiped her tears until it bleed. The heterochromia saw that upcoming and swiftly held her wrist.

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