Chapter 2

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"I dismiss her. Thank you for helping me." mumbled it happily.


"You run out of energy, Illu-bot !" tensed the girls.

"No worries ! Just search for Delu-bot or you friends will endangered !" warned it.

Yaya and Ying bite their lips concernly and let Illu-bot showed the way to go there quickly.

I hope we had time !! prayed them.

As for the boys, they grasped their head tightly except for the dino cap boy who split into three. Gopal finally broke the delusional and helped Fang by slapping his cheeks violently. However, before the slap, Fang finally regained his conscious.

What the ...

Fang glared Gopal and quickly summoned his tiger.

"D-Dey, I just trying to wake you up !" nervous him.

"Wake me up, you say ?!" roared Fang angrily.

All at once, a voice echoed. They snapped their head to the source while gasping unbelievably.

"Ugh - hiks ,, eurgh -" whimpered the boys who wearing brown, blue and yellow caps.

They quickly noticed those whimpers. Gopal tried to approach them but Fang quickly stopped him.

"No. If you did like what you did to me, you might accidentally kill him. We need Illu-bot to help him escape from that nightmare." warned Fang.

"How we supposed to search for it when BoBoiBoy in that state ?!" tensed Gopal who concerned about his best friend.

"Yaya and Ying found it, let's wait for them." sighed him while comforting the boys along with Gopal who feel dejected about him.

Meanwhile, BoBoiBoy clenched his heart while looking at the ( e/c ) hurtfully.

Why ?
           Why ?
                      Why ?
                                 Why ?

"I'm tired BoBoiBoy. You aren't looking for me whenever you land on earth. I get my hopes high but you crumbled it easily." spatted her venomously.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." begged him.

"If you feel sorry, then, crush the things you adore." told her coldly.

Tanah shook his head violently while holding it securely. Angin looked at her disbelief while Petir holding his tears while angrily looked at her. The delusional smugged and walked towards them slowly.

"Please, ( n/n )-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT !!!" angered her while summoning darkness which engraved under them.

"You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! You hate me ! " chanted the delusional angrily.

"No, ( n/n ), I don't hate you."

"I will never hate you."

"I love you." hitched them.

"but sometimes I forgot about you"

"but whenever I forget, the keychains help me to remember you !" sobbed them.

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