Chapter 4

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" It's been a long time ! Finally I can come here again !" danced Api happily with Angin who twerking beside him.

"You came here before?" asked her while playing with the innocent Daun who hide his smirked when she looked away.


Tanah went to her alongside with Petir.

"To be honest, we know you but unfortunately, maybe there's a reason that I didn't know, but yeah.. you actually didn't remember us." laughed Tanah painfully.

"Amnesia ?" guessed Petir.

She shrugged it off.

I don't think it's an amnesia-

Again, her head throbbed violently to the point it made her facial expressions went white. Tanah noticed it and panicked with Petir and Cahaya who caught her body. He engulfed her in his embrace tightly.

"Tanah, we can help her.. right ?" cracked Cahaya.

Tanah bit his lips and nodded slowly. Tanah then commanded others to help Cahaya by bringing her to bedroom so she could take a rest. Api and Air helped Tanah cooked some foods to her while Solar and Petir tried to soothe ( y/n ) who suddenly had a problem to breathe.

"Cahaya, can you look after her ?" worried him.

"If only I can.. but I- I can't. Her problems is not because of her lungs. There's something consume her.." sighed him painfully.

Tanah then went in with others behind him. They gasped horrifiedly and quickly went to her. Tanah put down the food carefully on her table and merged back as one. He went beside her and clasped it together.

I can't afford to lose you again.

I'm sorry for being selfish.

But I can't live without you.

( y/n )

please open your eyes. mumbled him.

He kissed her hands with his temple and held it carefully like a fragile glass that will broke once he used too much force.

The look that you gave me earlier, made me hurt to be honest.

But it's okay.

As long as I see you alive, I'm happy.

So please.

"Open your eyes, my one and only lover of my life."  cried him.


In the middle of nowhere, a ( h/c ) smiled while reaching his face that started to become a haze once she touched it.


She gripped her hand tightly and hugged herself.

I miss you.

I really miss you.

I miss my other half.

I too miss others.

" Save me.." whispered it.

The girl slowly opened her eyes once the sun greeted her face. She grabbed her head to support herself.

Urgh,, what's happening..?

She then felt a warmth in her hands and quickly snapped towards the source of the warmth.

He'd been here since when..?

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