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You looked around in the mall, searching for a certain shop when you spot it on the floor below you. You quickly headed down the escalators- making sure you didn't bump into anybody and made your way to the shop.

Upon entering the toy store, you made a B line to the lego section and stopped. You picked up your phone to ring your little brother.

After 3 rings he picked up the phone, "... Hello?" Your sick brother answered.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you?"

"Uhm yeah but it's fine, don't worry. What's up?" Dylan asked.

"Oh well I'm at the toy shop in the lego section and I wanted to know what lego set you wanted since you couldn't come with," you answered, "You wanted ninjago lego correct?"


"Alright, hold on let me..." You paused and turned on your video camera and faced it to the lego shelves, "See anything here that interests you?"

"I see a couple... Can I get a big one?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I only have enough money for 2 small ones. Sorry."

"It's fine," he paused to have a look, "Can you get me that one?" he pointed at the screen, which was really dumb cause you had no idea where he was pointing at.

"This one?" You picked up a lego set.

"Nono the one next to it."

"Oh, the blue ninja?"

"His name is Jay"

"Sorry, Jay" You corrected yourself.

You picked up a small lego set of the Blue Ninja standing next to a matching coloured vehicle. "Anything else?"

"Is there any of Lloyd?"


"The green ninja"

"Ohhh, he's your favorite right?"

"Yeah, he's really cool. He was annoying though at the start of the show. He was the emo-looking kid remember?"

"Oh yeah I remember now."

You looked around but saw none, they must've sold out. "Sorry buddy but you gotta pick another one. Looks like they're all taken." You replied.

"Awh man," He sighed. "What about one of the white ninja?" He asked.

You looked to another shelf and saw some with the mentioned lego on it.

"Zane right? His name."

"Yeah he-" Dylan sneezed.

"Bless you"

He sniffled, "Thanks." Then he continued, "Yeah he's the ice ninja"

"Cool," You picked up one of the sets, "What about this one with the mech? Seems pretty neat."

Dylan had a thought for a moment, "Sure," he replied.

"Alright, that's it little guy. I'll go pay for these and head home." You said as you held up the 2 sets.

"Do you, uh, wanna watch the rest season 3 of ninjago with me? When you get back home."

"Of course," You smiled at the camera.

"Okay then bye by-" He cut off as he ended the call.

You let out a breath of air and headed to the registrater to pay for your brother's new toys.

Walking home in an empty street, you listened to your favorite album as you mumble with the songs, not really knowing the lyrics.

You notice the air getting cooler and the  sky turning grey. Strong wind start to blow around you with light rain falling- That's weird, you didn't see any probability of rain on the news today.

You start rushing back home as the rain gets heavier and lightning start to strike frequently. You were frightened by how sudden it was and hope your clothes wouldn't get too wet on the way home- that would suck.

Blocking your eyes with your hand from the harsh wind you mistook your footing and fell into a hole... Only you aren't gonna get out of it.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. You'll be meeting the ninjas next chapter so stick around! Next chapter will be out next week so see you then :)

607 words (I won't be counting the Author's notes)

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