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"Hey you ---- ?"

"Huh...?" You couldn't make out the words that were being said to you.

"--ok! Look! She's ------  -- !"

"What?" The buzzing noises in your ear made it harder to hear.

You felt like you were just inside a washing machine, only with the lack of smell of detergent...

You slowly sat up from where you laid. You could only see blurred figures in front of you as stars pop up, unable to see properly. The buzzing was going away but you were still unable to make out what was being said. You had a banging head ache and your body felt like you've just had done the most intense exercise of your life. Yet, you have that terrible feeling of waking up after napping too long.

You felt a hand on your shoudler, you flinch- not expecting it to be cold. You looked over to identify what it was.

Due to your poor eye sight, you weren't able to figure out who it was. Though, despite the blurriness you could slightly tell it was not exactly human looking. You weren't familiar with anybody having such a metallic coloured face and white hair.

When things started clearing up- you heard a voice... Multiple concerned voices and you were able to see who was leaning over you now.

It was... A worried looking robot? Looking down down at you with his bright blue glowing eyes. Looking at his attire was a white ninja outfit. You must've hit your head pretty hard when you fell, which by the way you still have a raging headache.

"Hey you alright?" a voice asked.

You whipped your head around, bad idea. You held your head in pain as you notice your wet hair, "Uh, well I could be better," you groaned.

The group of people started asking a ton of questions, too many for you to process right now. You looked at each individual and realised they were all wearing the same kind of outfit as the first person; except in different Colours. They seemed so familar yet you couldn't put your finger on it.

And then it hit you.

"Are you guys... Cosplayers? Of the ninja show."

They all quieted down.

"What?" The black ninja asked.

"Y'know the lego ninja show with the elemental powers?"

"What are you talking about?" questioned the red one.

"We don't have a show," said the blue ninja.

"Well, not you but- you're dressed up as the ninja's from the show." You paused, "wait where am I? This isn't (where you live)."

"You're in Ninjago City," a robotic voice answered beside you as he stood up.

"Wow you're really into this role playing thing huh?" impressed by his voice.

"What do you mean lady, we're the real thing!" the ravennette posed with his flexed arm as he grinned.

You stood up and gave a good look at them, "Damn you guys are really good with the make-up. Got the scars and everything."

"Huh?" the red ninja still being confused by what you're saying.

You scurried through your bag (thankfully it's still there, phew) and pulled out the lego set. "Yeah see? You're dressed up as these little lego guys."

"Uhm, no they're dressed up as us. Plus we look so much better than... Whatever a lego is, " said the blue ninja.

"What? What do you mean? They're from a TV show."

"We have our own TV show? And I wasn't aware of this? Which one of you guys knew this and didn't tell me?" asked the most pretty girl you have ever seen as she crossed her arm and leaned on her leg.

"That's cause we don't have one?? At least I'm pretty sure we don't have one..." said the green one, now unsure.

"uh okay..." You were pretty darn confused. "Let's say you guys are actually the ninja, hypothetically. Show me your powers."

The robot made ice cubes in his palm and showed them to you.

"Right, you could've just had ice cubes up your sleeve. That would be pretty weird though..."

The red one snapped his fingers and a flame rose up.

"Uh huh, you could be using a lighter" you said, still not convinced they're real. This seemed to tick off the red ninja but he kept quiet.

The green one made... A orb light thing... In green of course.

"Wow it's.. What even is your power? Green Light? Kinda lame if you ask me."

"Excuse me-" "MY TURN!" Shouted the girl of the group as she cut off her friend.

She jumped and twirled around mid-air, using her powers to dry your clothes. Landing, she quickly stood up straight and showed you a ball of water floating above her hands. She smirked at you.

"I- what huh what how huh wh," you were speechless.

"Sorry where did you say I was again?" you turned to the robot.

"Ninjago City?"

"Right and there's only like, a single island on this planet right? You guys don't know what countries or continents are?"

They all either shook their head or mumbled out a 'No.'

"We uh, forgot to mention we found you falling through the sky by the way after some worm hole closed up. And don't get me started on how we even caught you." The blu- well you know his name is Jay, said as he sighed and held his head in his hands.

This was raising up LOTS of questions in your head you don't know the answer to. It's like you short circited with how little your brain can process this information. Doesn't help the fact that you still have a head ache and only just made it worse by thinking too hard.

You stared at them. It felt so surreal to you that you still weren't completely convinced it wasn't a dream. So there was only one way to prove it wrong.

"Pinch me."

"What?" The black ninja asked.

"Well, I must be dreaming cause all this can't be real... So to prove it I want you to pinch me. Punch me even- I'll just wake up on my living room couch anyway so it doesn't matter cause it's not real."

The ninjas looked at each other, "Welp alright-" was all you heard before the black ninja knocked you out.


Okay so I realise my writing isn't actually that good but it's one of the main points of why I'm writing this! I wanna get better so any feedback would be appreciated :)

Also! If I am wrong with the country thing then you can either tell me or go with it lol I'm not a ninjago expert.

1048 words
8.11.2021 (dates will now be the same day the chapters are posted instead of finished writing)

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