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"Well... who am I supposed to give these to then?" You held up the Lego sets.

"You're not gonna question how you're gonna get home????" Jay asked.

"Well is there a way home?"

"We could try using traveler's tea and see if that works," Cole brought up.

"Good idea, we should see Master Wu about this," Suggested Zane.

"Are you sure we should to go him now? He's meditating..." said Lloyd.

"Well the sooner we get (Y/N) home, the better. Plus it means we got something to do now!" Nya started pushing Lloyd towards the door, "But... just in case, you go cause I don't wanna interrupt his meditating," Nya slams the door shut on him.

You could hear Lloyd grumbling as he walks away.

"So (Y/N), tell us about yourself!" The one in red said.

"Uh... Well I like reading I guess and watching shows," you thought of more, "I also like taking pictures and doodling sometimes."

"So uh, you watch us on TV?" Cole asked.

"Kinda? I don't really remember a lot of it though."

"Which one of us is your favorite?" Jay asked excitedly, "It's me isn't it? I'm the funniest out of the group!"

"I beg to differ," Kai crossed his arms.

"Uh well, I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings..." But you couldn't keep it in, "Alright it's Jay and Lloyd," You blurted out.

"I knew it!!" Jay exclaimed happily.

"How is Jay your favorite??" The fire master questioned.

"Well I get Jay but Lloyd? That's a surprise. Didn't you call him a loser earlier?" Cole tilted his head.

"Yeah it's just fun to bully him but I love the green bean anyway."

" 'green bean' ," Nya giggled, "Going to use that from now on," You heard her mutter to herself under her breath.

You waited around and got to know each members of the group more before Lloyd came back with an old man, "Ah, I see. I take it you're (Y/N)?" The man stood before you.

"Yes I am, you're Master Wu?" You asked, unsure.

"Correct. Now may I hear where you're from again?"

"Earth or uh.. Milky Way?," You answered.

"Milky Way..." Master Wu put a hand through his long glorious white beard as he thought, "Now where have I heard that before..."

"WAIT THE MILKY WAY? ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU'RE FROM THERE?" The Master suddenly bursts out loud, making everyone in the room jump.

"... Yes??"

"My father once told me stories of that realm as a kid and oh," he clutched his clothing where his heart would be, "It was terrible! Horrendous! He said it was one of the worst places he ever visited!" he sounded horrified.

"Well damn okay," You were offended by his words, you're from there after all... But even so, who can blame him?

"How do you live there?!?!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, sure l understand it's not the best place but I promise you there's good things about it too!" You defended your home.


You thought for a bit, going quiet.

"Exactly," Wu crossed his arms.

"No, we got Minecraft! I bet you guys don't have that! And uhh...." You go back to the situation at hand, "Wait hold on I'm getting off track- how do I get home?"

"Well it seems like we could just need a strong travelers tea blend to get you there, it is quite difficult to go there, I think Mysake can help
On second thought, we have to find another idea lol" Master Wu left the room.

"What why?-"

"Let's just listen to him," Lloyd pushed you lightly to follow Master Wu. He actually ended up having to push you there all the way when you wouldn't move. The others just walked like normal non-stubborn people.

Master Wu was going through a shelf looking for a specific book, It didn't take long before he found it. He flipped to the pages and stopped at a page. It was a page written on Earth, though not a lot is actually written down about it.

"My father used to write down about the realms he had visited, It's quite handy for these situations," He hummed.

Cole stepped over and looked at the page briefly, "Looks like the method he used to get there is blacked out," he pointed out.

"What does that mean?" You asked.

Kai put a hand on his hip and leaned on his leg, "It means that we're gonna have to figure out ways to get you home (Y/N)."

"We can always try traveler's tea first! Though I'm not sure how much we're gonna need, " Jay spoke up.

"About that..." Nya hesitantly spoke up, she held her hands tightly in a nervous manner.

"About... What? What did you do?" Zane tilted his head curiously.

Nya let out an exhale, "I may have.. Hmmm... Drowned the tree when I went to water it?" She admitted and smiled nervously at the group.

"Oh, I was wondering why I saw a dead tree outside," Cole scratched his chin and pondered.

"And you didn't think to tell anybody about it," Jay raised an eyebrow at Cole, looking at him, half-disbelief and half-disappointed.

Cole shrugged, "It was a tree, we can always grow another one. No biggie!"

"Cole..." Master Wu sighs, "Those trees take hundred of years to grow."


Master Wu shakes his head, "No matter, I'm sure we can find some more." He rolls up the scroll, "You know, the Realm Crystal would be handy right about now... Where ever did we put it?"

"I recall it being shot at and destroyed," Zane reminded.

"Ah," Master Wu gave a firm nod, "Well, this will surely take some time. Why don't you take young Y/N out to explore? It would be good for them to know how to get around in case anything were to happen."

"SO WE CAN HANG OUT??" Jay exclaimed and and arm was wrapped around your shoulder. "C'mon Y/N! I can show you where we built a statue of Zane in honor of his death!"

You looked back and raised an eyebrow at Zane. He seems pretty alive and fine to me? The hell is this guy on about?

Zane sensed your confusion, "I got better." 


The group of young adult began to head out of the room, leaving Wu alone to his tools. Just as Nya took a step forward- Wu called out to her, "Nya, you must say as punishment for killing the tree," He threw a few scrolls her way.

"Darn..." Nya hanged her head and reluctantly followed Wu to his desk.

"So, Y/N, where you want to go first?" Kai elbowed your ribs, which caused you to jolt for a second.

"Well uh..." You start, eyes shifting between the boys in the room, "Got a map?"


here you go you sad little ninja lego fans. something I started writing in 2021 and finished in 2024 💀


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