Worth the wait? L.S

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"You want to fix it yourself?" The German questioned his teammate eagerly, clearly hoping that Lance would say no, Sebastian seemed to be enjoying himself even while he was asking the Canadian he remained fixing the parts on the small project. "No! Take your time." Lance replied enthusiastically the small and intricate model parts having already angered him beyond disbelief. "Lance hasn't got the patience Seb." Y/N stated loudly attempting to stifle her laugh, her y/e/c orbs still hovering over the young Aston Martin driver. Y/N had been Lance's assistant for the past two seasons and while their friendship had grown from simple colleagues to work mates the small butterflies the y/h/c girl felt for the man were yet to dissipate. "Ouch Y/N/N that hurts." Lance teased pouting as he held his heart mimicking an ache. "I'm sure you'll survive" the y/h/c girl retaliated her cheeks beginning to burn at the use of a nickname. Y/N wasn't quite sure when she'd started having feelings for the dark haired man but lectured herself enough times to be well aware of the growing feelings she felt and start to hate them.

"We'll leave you and Britta to it Sebastian." Y/N announced quickly checking her phone, knowing the older man could sit there for hours. A gently waved dismissive hand was all the girl's retreating figure got in response. "Enjoy yourself?" Lance asked inquisitively, swiftly catching up with the y/h girl. Holding the office door open Y/N frowned confused "It's my job Lance?" Nodding in faux understanding the Canadian couldn't help the small smirk that fell on his pale features "Ah yes it's your job to stare at me the entire time."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Y/N muttered ignoring the intense stare from the man. "You think I don't notice?" Lance asked, tilting his head in hesitation. Had he misread the signs. Misjudged the longing look in the y/h/c woman's eyes. "We have to go shoot some Instagram content Lance." Y/N mumbled awkwardly her trainers suddenly the most interesting thing on the planet. The silence that spilled over the pair was borderline uncomfortable, the usually relaxing aura their friendship had was gone. "I'm not asking for a lot just be honest with me" The Canadian demanded his tone firm but there was something else behind it as well a lustful yearning and hint of possible rejection. "Honest? With you... my boss? Y/N replied, trailing off plainly. Shrugging Lance placed his hands in his trouser pockets clearly not preparing to go anywhere anytime soon. "It's not like I'm going to fire you for being truthful... I'd be a mess without you anyway." the man admitted slowly mulling his confession over in his mind. "I like working for this team, I like going to races and I like you." the y/h/c girl said meekly, sighing in defeat. "I actually think I might even potentially love you." Y/N added a weak laugh rippling from her chest. "So you won't hit me when I do this? The man inquired timidly. "Do what?" Y/N queried softly, noticing the dark haired man's growing nerves. "Kiss you." Lance whispered before ducking down to capture the y/s/c girls lips in a gentle kiss. Placing a large hand against the wall Lance couldn't help but smile as he felt Y/N return his kiss. "Worth the wait?" Lance whispered faintly, his lips buzzing already missing the feeling of Y/N's lips on his own. "I'm not sure... maybe you should try again so I can judge properly." Y/N retaliated sarcastically, still stunned from what had just happened.  

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