Winner D.R

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Daniel's 2021 season hadn't been going as smoothly as he would have liked, the car was different, the team atmosphere was different and even if he didn't want to admit it his confidence had plummeted a bit under the growing pressure he was putting on himself. But Monza had been a long time coming, the Honey Badger within the Australian craved to prove he was still there even after a relatively dormant season. Hearing his elated voice no doubt paired with a massive grin over the team radio swelled Y/N with pride, Dan deserved this, he needed this win. Dan's anxiety about having potentially lost his touch had worried the y/h/c young woman Dan had always been resilient, a characteristic he'd instilled in his mini me he shared with Y/N. Y/D/N had been an unexpected but welcomed surprise during Dan's last season with Red Bull, a positive addition to his fresh start. The y/h/c woman had never been one to insert her way into the public's eyes so nobody really noticed when she stopped showing up on their screens as much. It worked for the young couple, Y/N & Daniel, agreeing that keeping Y/D/N away from the overwhelming side of F1, the side of the sport that could be chaotic and intricate. And yet despite her best attempts to remain at the McLaren hospitality the y/h/c woman stood in Parc fermé with Zak Brown Y/D/N still attached to her hip. The youngest Ricciardo was coping with the sensory overload rather well considering the crowds cheers, flags and occasional smoke bombs being released, the small brown haired girl was far to busy chattering away to her Grandparents currently displayed on the phone screen in Zak's hand. "Daddy win" Y/D/N kept babbling, tilting her small head happily, a tiny smile filling her tanned features.

"Zak we really shouldn't be here." the y/h young woman mumbled loudly to the ecstatic American proudly smiling at the sight of the two papaya car's coming to a still to claim their 1-2. "You're telling me you'd want to miss this? That you'd want her to miss this?" The older man asked softly, nodding slightly at the delighted young girl in Y/N's y/s/c arms. Zak knew about the couples agreement in fact he'd even encouraged it when Dan joined the McLaren Family at the start of the season. But he also knew that Dan would want to celebrate this win with his true family even if only two members where there in person. "He won't mind Y/N/N" Zak added, noticing the hesitation that lingered on the young woman's face.

"Dan! Mom & Dad!" Zak yelled once he'd noticed the Aussie had jumped out of the car and had been weighted gesturing at the phone in his hand. Daniel Ricciardo's smiles were legendary but the one currently sat on his face when he noticed his wife and child waiting for him was something else. Bounding over Dan trying to calm himself, the adrenaline still circulating in his bloodstream. "You're here!" Dan yelled passionately clutching Y/N with both hands almost scared he was imagining it. "P1 and you're here?! Damn I'm lucky." the Aussie teased, still grinning. Y/N wondered subconsciously when he would stop, surely his cheeks were hurting already. Kissing his wife quickly Dan turned his attention to his parents still waiting patiently over facetime, his large hand settling in Y/D/N's hair out of habit. Dan really was a hands on dad.

Finally it was Y/D/N's turn to be showered in attention. Grabbing the young girl gently Dan lifted Y/D/N over the metal railing smothering the little girl's face in kisses blissfully ignoring his daughter's complaints. "Honey Badger win!" Y/D/N screamed noisily, finally pushing Dan's face away from hers, demanding he acknowledge her statement. She was still a little too young to understand the colourful leaderboard on the plethora of television screens dotted around the place so Dan knew Y/N had explained what had happened. "Who taught you that?" Dan quizzed the young brunette her y/e/c orbs sparkling in exhilaration. "Grandpa." Y/D/N said proudly puffing out her chest slightly at the mention of the man. "Hey winner you've got to go do your shoey" Y/N stated holding her arms out to retrieve the young girl donned in an orange t-shirt a large number 3 displayed on the back. Shooting a knowing look at the y/h/c girl Y/N sighed dropping her arms. "I'll be really careful!" Dan begged pouting slightly hoping to get Y/N to agree. Pretending to ponder the silent request Y/N's heart couldn't help but flutter at the sight of the man she loved still holding their child. Dan's request was more out of politeness, the y/h woman could tell he wasn't going to put the small youngster down anytime soon. "Fine but I'll be watching you Ricciardo!" the woman said sternly pointing an accusing finger in his direction. "Yeah I'm pretty hot stuff" Dan retaliated cheekily with a shrug of his shoulders before shooting off to claim his well deserved trophy little Honey Badger in tow. 

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