Thanks Arthur C.L

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Family dinners were a staple in the Leclerc family especially when all the boys were in the same country at the same time

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Family dinners were a staple in the Leclerc family especially when all the boys were in the same country at the same time. This dinner was made even more special due to Charles' and Arthur's birthday. What could be a better way to celebrate than with fantastic food and magnificent company.

"Y/N I mean i don't judge but euh why are you only drinking water?" Arthur quizzed the older girl from across the table. "Hm just in a water mood." Y/N replied deflecting the younger man's inquiry. "You... in the mood for water? Since when?" Arthur retaliated almost doubling over sniggering a smirk finding a home on his face. "Good one." Arthur continued wiping an imaginary tear from his face. "Are you ok?" Charles asked softly rather concerned, squeezing the girl's hand laced in his gently.

"I was going to tell you later... but I guess now's as good a time as any thanks Arthur." Y/N began tentatively sending the younger Leclerc a mock glare. "It's no problem." Arthur replied supportively thinking he was being helpful. "Charles... I was hoping you'd be ok with expanding our family." Y/N questioned the Ferrari Driver hesitantly. "Maybe by one?" the young woman added, hoping it would clear up the confusion on the Monégasque's face. Pascale gasped excitedly "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" the older woman asked hopefully ignoring the bewildered looks her son's were shooting her way. Biting her lip Y/N nodded smiling at her future mother-in-law. "That's amazing." Pascale squealed, rushing over to hug the y/h/c girl. "pardon moi. Am I missing something?" Charles questioned slowly, blinking rapidly his brain working in overdrive trying to figure out what just happened. Laughing Y/N pulled away from the woman "I'm pregnant Charlie."

Nodding in understanding the Driver smiled for a second before his eyes grew wide realisation dawned on his pale face. "You're pregnant?" Charles mumbled slightly panicked a stream of French curses tumbling from the dark haired man. Taking her seat next to her fiancé Y/N placed a comforting hand on the man's tense arm. "Can you still come to Abu Dhabi? I can't finish the season without you there." Charles ranted frantically. Of course he's first worry was Formula One related, it was a side effect of dating, being engaged and eventually marrying a Driver Ferrari or otherwise but Y/N wouldn't have it any other way. "Don't be silly, I wouldn't miss it for the world." the y/h/c young woman stated rubbing the man's arm soothingly.

"Who'd want him as a father?" Arthur cackled loudly, wincing when Pascale swatted him. "What!? He sits on twitch in a banana costume Y/N could do so much better." Arthur defended himself to his Mother with a shrug. "Too bad I thought he looked handsome in that." Y/N teased giggling at Arthurs revolted expression. "I take it back, they deserve each other." 

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