Dark days M.S

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A/N sorry it's super short writer's block is awful atm TW: negative energy, low self esteem just overall sad/meh feeling also idc if christmas is over i love this photo of Mick and Angie x

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A/N sorry it's super short writer's block is awful atm TW: negative energy, low self esteem just overall sad/meh feeling also idc if christmas is over i love this photo of Mick and Angie x

Silence could be a friend comforting in your hour of need, a background that allowed your thoughts to gather and to ease your breathing or it could be vicious, poisonous and dark. Silence could become a hand wrapped around your throat slowly but surely squeezing the life out of the version of you that you love. 2022 was supposed to be the year of the baddie, but instead less than two weeks into the new year Y/N had crumbled and resorted to remaining under the pale grey covers blocking out the world. It was an action that occurred regularly enough for the y/h/c young woman to want to scream. Even after years of these sudden overwhelming dark clouds still took her by surprise, every time she thought she'd rebuilt herself and it would never happen again days, weeks or even months later she would find herself once again hidden away from the world cowering away from this negativity. Pretty girls didn't cry, pretty girls didn't listen to the negative little voice in their heads. Hell pretty girls probably didn't even have that voice in the first place! And yet this voice in Y/N head that makes her question everything and seems louder than ever exists and everything she says is meant to hurt. It was always a razor cut of a statement, one made with malice and laced with poison. The y/h/c young woman wanted more than anything to be this pretty girl but clearly it was something that wasn't destined for her.

Since meeting and falling in love with Mick the need to become this pretty girl had only grown. Mick was sweet, kind and overall perfect. He was teaching the y/s/c girl to love herself and realise that she had in fact deserved better in the past, but surely it would only be a matter of time before he noticed how damaged she was and abandoned her for someone else?

Turning on her side the y/h/c girl brought the covers closer to her tear stained face, the fresh laundry scent had long gone having instead been replaced by the German Drivers aftershave. "I'm sorry Mick." Y/N whispered awkwardly, her usually upbeat tone drowning in uncertainty. Shooting his girlfriend a soft smile the blonde man shook his head lightly "It's ok" the Drive replied quietly. "No Mick it's not... I don't mean to get like this. I'm really sorry." Y/N retaliated hoarsely, whilst the German didn't agree he couldn't bring himself to argue this was probably the most the y/h girl had spoken in days and he'd missed her voice. Snaking an arm around Y/N's waist Mick paused for a second noticing the sharp breath the girl took. "I will always love you for what it's worth." The German mumbled against the girl's y/h/c locks placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. The young man's usually soft spoken tone was laced with stern certainty, his quiet declaration assuring with dew drop like delicate precision. Choking out a laugh the young woman burrowed her face into the gentle man's shoulder. "Why are you laughing at me? It's the truth!" Mick exclaimed quietly, pouting slightly at the girl's reaction. "I'm not laughing at you. Just... thank you." Y/N mumbled her y/s/c hands emerging from the safety of the messy bed sheets, her hazy y/e/c orbs focusing intensely on the Driver's face.

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