Caught M.S

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"Hey" Mick mumbled a red blush coating his pale cheeks as he shut the door seconds before the girl descended on him

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"Hey" Mick mumbled a red blush coating his pale cheeks as he shut the door seconds before the girl descended on him. Checking over him with eagle-like precision. Her hold was tender but thorough, almost like the girl was scared of hurting him. Inspecting the German gently the y/h/c young woman sighed in relief. Y/N wasn't quite sure what she was expecting, perhaps at least some bruises, the young woman's heart had been in her mouth, the suffocating lump only growing at the lack of footage. But Mick seemed fine, in fact that's what he'd been claiming all morning as journalists pounced on the Blond Driver.

"I'm so glad you're ok" Y/N mumbled self-consciously, burrowing her face into the lightly laughing man's shoulder. Mick wasn't the cause of her sudden shyness, the German could never make the y/h/c girl uncomfortable, it was more the fact that she didn't want to be caught cuddling with the driver. Despite the fact their relationship had been blossoming since last season the pair were yet to inform anybody of their intimate connection. So instead their relationship at least during the race season became a collage of secretive moments in hidden rooms when they could get even a moment of privacy.

Capturing Y/N's sparkling eyes with his blue orbs Mick couldn't help but frown, in spite of her warm hold and soft spoken words he could see her anxiety rising again. The previous night had really shaken the young woman. The idea of her watching the painfully familiar Haas spin and violently glide against the barrier was horrific. Guilt ate away at the Driver, the accident obviously wasn't planned. The crash itself hadn't been bad, in fact it was a pretty contained crash despite what the debris tried to suggest. But due to their hidden relationship Y/N hadn't been able to go to the hospital with him, the closest she got to reassurance was the fact the waiting garage had been informed that Mick had been found conscious, in one piece and able to talk to the medical team. "It's going to take more than that to take me out." Mick joked stroking the y/h girl's cheek reassuringly. "Don't even joke about that Schumacher!" Y/N groaned, managing to poke an accusatory finger in the man's direction. "Es tut mir leid meine liebe." Mick replied, his tone was apologetic but accompanied by a dash of sarcasm. Jutting out his bottom lip, the blonde pouted slightly as the y/h/c young woman shot him a faux glare. "Y/N/N I am sorry" the German driver whined pitifully, before dipping down with lighting like movement to capture the girl's lips in a quick kiss. Mick couldn't help the dopey smile that found a home on his pale features as he felt the girl's body relax into his. She tasted like peaches and felt like home. Mick often wondered how he'd gotten Y/N to agree to see him as anything other than someone who worked for Haas. How he'd managed to get the girl to agree to give him a chance at all. Mick almost didn't feel worthy of the y/h/c girl. She was like a living breathing work of art. Something so expensive and lavish that he could only dream of her and yet here she was.

"Mick, can I come in?" a masculine voice called out knocking loudly on the door causing the young pair to jump. "Quick hide." Mick whispered, panicking slightly at the thought of being caught. "What?!" Y/N whispered back attempting to signal at the lack of hiding space in the compact room. "Mick?" the voice called again, this time opening the door cautiously.

"You know you should be more careful, I could have been Guenther." Kevin stated a smirk settling on his tired face. He wanted to tease the pair mercilessly but seeing the bashful faces watching his every move seemed like punishment enough. "Does... does your Father know you're here?" the Dane asked the girl firmly, Kevin knew the answer but couldn't help himself, the question slipped out before he could stop it. "Of course not... Mick still has his seat." Kevin hummed quickly.

Scowling lightly Y/N scoffed "No and you're not going to tell him either Magnussen!" Pointing a threatening finger at the older man. "Please don't tell him!" Y/N begged the Danish Driver quietly. "You think I'd do that to you?" The Dane replied hurt, running his wide eyes over the girl he'd grown to love like family over the past couple of years. "I wouldn't betray you like that. Either of you!" Kevin exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowed. "Thank you." Mick responded appreciatively, his tense stance starting to relax. The German couldn't help but feel like he'd been caught by his Mother with his hand in the treat jar. "Don't thank me just yet... I wasn't joking that I could have been Guenther. He wants to see you. Check on how you're doing after yesterday." Kevin explained gesturing at the door briefly before slipping out chuckling to himself. 

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