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As Anokhi gets up,she gave hand to Shaurya as to help him but he laughed as Anokhi is so light - weight that she will fall on him but he didn't said anything and got up
As he was leaving,he looked at Anokhi who was tensed and he pat her head and said "don't worry "chutku" everything is gonna be fine"
She looked at him confused but didn't said anything
Shaurya left her room and she went to get fresh and to meet with Reema and Aaron as she hasn't seen and talked to  them.
She was getting ready was looking at the floor where she fell upon shaurya and how handsome he is looking
She soft pat on her head as she didn't want to think about him
She got ready and leave her room and put keys in her pocket

As she went to hotel restaurant she saw many boys sitting there and smoking and drinking
She was waiting for her friends and sat on the table and ordered coffee
When a boy came there and sit with her and try to flirt but Anokhi didn't paid attention towards him
Then all the boys came towards her and snatched her bag and one boy tried to kiss her but then someone pushed him and when he looked down he saw a tall boy was standing behind him with red eyes and the boy gets frightened and tried to leave but then shaurya hold his collar and pushed him and then he took him towards Anokhi and ordered him to say sorry and after he apologizes he(Shaurya) slapped him and the boy gets on floor and immediately got up and left crying
Other boys tan too

Then Shaurya went to Anokhi who was holding her tears and shaurya put his hand on her cheek and she bursted and she hugged Shaurya because she was so frightened after the incident
Shaurya hugged her too and said " its gonna be Okay"
Then she came out of hug and says "Thank you" and was leaving when the light went and the room became darker as there was snow so they kept windows off
Anokhi got frightened and hugged shaurya because she feels safe and comfortable with him
He hugged her too and she relived
Then lights came and both of them sit on table and start drinking coffee
Anokhi was feeling a little bit cold so Shaurya gave his jacket to her and left her with Reema and Aaron
She felt happy about Shaurya care and possessiveness

Precap - Shaurya birthday party and lot of twists and turns

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