Library Romance

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When Anokhi opened her eyes,she saw Reema and Aaron beside her. She asked them what happened and they replied nothing.
Then she heard the husky voice and turned around
Then she saw Professor Shaurya looking at her
Anokhi became pale as she has no idea what was happening
Shaurya - Hloo,Ms. Bhalla,how are you feeling
Anokhi didn't answer
Then shaurya left the room amd said- "Take care"
Then Anokhi went to college with Reema amd Aaron
After 4 hours,everyone move out of class happily
Anokhi,Reema amd Aaron went to canteen to eat something
Then Anokhi went to Library as she wanted some books to read
When she entered Library she saw Proffesor Shaurya sitting on the chair,reading books
She went straight into the bookshelf amd started searching the books she wanted
Then she heard the door locking sound as she ran towards door which already gets locked
She gets frightened and asking for "Help". But everyone was gone
Then she moved towards Shaurya and told him everything
Shaurya looked at her amd told her to "Calm down" . He then started calling his P.A but their was no battery in his phone. He asked for Anokhi's phone but she left her phone in hostel
Then both of them looked at each other amd started thinking "how to get out of this Library"
Suddenly,a cockroach came there running towards Anokhi and she shouted  'Cockroach - cockroach ' and hugged Shaurya.
Shaurya told her to 'calm down' as he was laughing at her for her silly fear
She felt so embarrassed and move away from Shaurya
It was almost 9:00 o'clock and both of them were hungry
Then,Anokhi searched her bag and found chocolates there. Then they eat chocolates.
It's almost 11:00 PM and Anokhi was feeling cold. She was shivering with cold amlnd Shaurya gave him jacket
Then the both found  a place to sleep and slept there
As Anokhi woke up she saw Shaurya hugging her tightly in his arms. She felt so comfortable in his arms

What you guys think will happen now
Will Anokhi fall for Shaurya (or) destiny have other plans for them

Precap - Dance competition

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