You're my priority

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As anokhi was cooking food in kitchen someone hold her and she wanted to see who was the person she couldn't
As the person has a tight grip on her
The person took her straight into their room and locked the door
Anokhi was so confused that she tried to shout
But before she can shout the person kissed her and she was trying to ran away
But when she opened her eyes she was shocked
It was shaurya
Then Shaurya let her go and she hugged him with teary eyes
She was crying as she was so frightened and shaurya was  angry on himself as he knew that anokhi was frightened because of him
He quickly hugged her back and she was so frightened that she collapsed
Shaurya was so shocked and he quickly took her to bed and he realised she was not breathing and freaked out
He quickly  googled and asked what to do and the google suggested *CPR - CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION* and he quickly performed it just when deba opened her eyes and laughed
He was so happy to see her happy face and asked her that what happened to her
She told him that she knew that it was him as she saw him in drawing room kitchen but she fooled him and his plan backfired on him
Then deba moved to kitchen to finish her work and shaurya was planning a surprise for her

Precap - Shaurya's surprise

Sorry guys I'm late

See you soon
Till then bye

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