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Firstly i wanna apologize for the late update

Let's move now
~● Story
As we already knew how much shaurya love to prank his Anokhi bjt this time Anokhi decided to prank Shaurya

She is an intelligent girl but whenever it comes to pranks,nobody can defeat Shaurya

She wss planning the prank very seriously and menawhile shaurya was thinking if many ways to prank her

One day she put jack in the box on table written "You're the best husband"
Shaurya knew something was wrong so he said "how she knew about my address,i remember i have given ger wrong address"
Suddenly anokhi heard all this and came out and said "what are you talking about"
He said "about the gift"
And handover the gift to her and asked her to open it

She was furious that she forgot about her prank and got pranked by Shaurya

He started laughing and said "you're the one that's allowed to send me gifts and prank me"

She was blushing and he left

When he came back home he was shocked and surprised

He saw  Anokhi wearing a beautiful dress that was complimenting her body so well

She was looking extremely gorgeous and hot in that dress that Shaurya's jaw droppedHe wanted to make the night memorable for them but Deba ran away locking him inside the bathroom

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She was looking extremely gorgeous and hot in that dress that Shaurya's jaw dropped
He wanted to make the night memorable for them but Deba ran away locking him inside the bathroom

He was screaming to get him out but she was laughing and showing her dress to him that lit the passion fire inside him

He was  determined to get out of the room and make Anokhi hus but she didn't realised that she was pranking Mr. Shaurya sabherwal- the no.1 prankster

Suddenly there was no sound coming from the room and she went to check in only to find there was no one and she realised someone hold her from the back and she froze

The person gently hold her hand and kissed her neck that made her shiver

She was losing control and she checked the person behind her only to find it was Shaurya

He was looking to her and she was shivering because she knew that he's a beast and she knew his next step

He was looking to her and she was shivering because she knew that he's a beast and she knew his next step

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He was laughing and looking at her

She wanted to run but she couldn't
And now she's trapped in her own prank by shaurya

Let's see what happened next

Precap- New journey🤭

Sorry I'm late late late!!

See you soon🙊

Till then bye🤞🏻

Take care everyone ❤

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