Journey to home

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Both Shaurya and Anokhi was happy and looking at each other

As doctor came he said that Anokhi is ill and the weather and water doesn't suit her
Soon doctor prescribed her medicines and advised to take rest

As doctor left both laughed as they're so mad and laughed at each others mind
Just when Anokhi phone rang and it was Reema

Shaurya gave her privacy and left the room and went to kitchen to prepare food for them


Reema - Niki,how are you
Anokhi- I'm fine,what about you
Reema - I'm fine too
Do you see the datesheet
Anokhi - confused* which datesheet?
Reema - our exams are starting from next week
Anokhi was shocked and Reema told her that this year exams are early due to some issues
Then both of them talked about exam and said goodbye to each other

Soon,Shaurya arrived there and he saw Anokhi confused and she was walking here and there
Shaurya went to her and asked What happened???
She told him everything and he  put Anokhi on bed and told her to calm down
He then gave water to her and she was still thinking about her exams 
Shaurya said that he will help her in her studies and will take her home after two days
She replied happily- really PS
He said - yes,nikki
Anokhi was happy and hugged her and her hugged her too
Then he gave her food and medicine and asked her to rest
She slept as she was not felling well
When she woke up she saw shaurya and he asked her that if she is fine and she replied yes
Both of them gets fresh and started studying and Shaurya taught her everything
She was so happy and nervous about her family as they are  old minded people but she focused her mind on studies
As two days passed they both get ready to go home
They're happy to go and put all their stuff in car and kissed each other

In car,they both are talking about their life and families
Suddenly the song "Hame tumse pyaar kitna,yh ham nhi jante, magar jee nhi skte tumhare bina"
As Shaurya was lypsing this song to anokhi she turned red
Soon they both reached their houses and was nervous to face everyone


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