Facing reality

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It's been two days since they are back in college and everything was normal
Anokhi was giving her exams and studying well
Shaurya was busy with his work but he keep checking on Anokhi time to time

Reema didn't leave a moment to tease Anokhi which makes Anokhi blush and her face become like a tomato
In Shaurya class,Anokhi fully concentrated but Shaurya couldn't take his eyes off from Anokhi
He sometimes became completely distracted
Anokhi on the other hand was preparing for the international competition which is to be held in dubai

When she was in her room she was thinking about her relation with Shaurya
She was thinking what will happen if someone finds about them
This thought was killing her inside
Whatever she did came in front of her
She saw students teasing her and making fun of her and Shaurya marrying to someone else
She got up with force and she cried heavily
These thoughts are not going away just when she heard a knock at the door
It was Shaurya
She wiped away her tears and welcomed Shaurya
Shaurya realized she was crying and hugged her as she will feel good
He then entered her room and handed a letter to her
She was feeling dizzy so she rested
Shaurya let her sleep and he left
Then,when she woke up she saw the letter and all her worries get vanished
The letter stated that
"Dear Anokhi Bhalla,we're happy to say that you're selected for our interhouse competition at Dubai
Please contact us for further details"
She was happy and crying with happiness when she heard knock at her door
It was proffesor Shaurya
Anokhi was so much happy that she hugged him and kissed him
He was confused as he was not expecting this type of response from her
She thanked Shaurya and soon Shaurya left for college and she left too


As Anokhi get ready for college she was happy to see shaurya and moved to her class taking with her friends
Then Shaurya came there and started lecturing and the classes get finished so Anokhi decided to leave for library as she wanted books to study
When she entered Library there was pin drop silence and no one was there
She became frightened and started searching for books just when someone hold her by waist and she became terrified and was screaming just when that person shut her mouth and said "What happened,Nikki"
She looked at the person as his voice was familiar
It was professor Shaurya and Anokhi became relived and asked him "Why are you here,you scared the hell out of me"
He laughed and said "I want to ask you for a date,Miss bhalla"
Is that okay
She blushed and her face became red and she looked down and said "Yes"
Shaurya happily hugged her and said "Our date will be special and the date and time ,I messaged you already"
They both left Library and Anokhi was happy for her first date with shaurya
She was nervous but wanted her first date to be special

Precap - Shakhi first date

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