Shakhi wedding

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As Shaurya and Anokhi confessed their love,its time for their wedding
Anokhi was so happy because she was marrying the person she love
As for Shaurya, he love anokhi more than anyone else
They both looked perfect together
Until it's time for Anokhi's family to meet with Sabherwals

The bhallas are quite opposite of Sabherwal
They're mean and wanted their only daughter to get married to a rich person to get a fortune
Anokhi has a brother too who never ever talked with her
The only thing that only matter to bhallas are money and fame
This is the reason why Anokhi has trust issues because she never expressed her feelings with  someone in her family 
As Anokhi and Sabherwal family was waiting for Anokhi family,anokhi told everything to shaurya as in case the bhallas said something wrong
Shaurya assured anokhi that he will take care of everything
As bhallas arrived Anokhi went to her father but her father pushed her away and went straight to greet Sabherwal
Everyone was in deep shock that how can someone be so rude on her own daughter
Anokhi too felt bad but she hide it with a  smile on her face

As everyone sat on the seat,Anokhi's father said - We agree for this marriage if you agree to give us 5Lakh rupees and a best house
Everyone was shocked along with anokhi
She never expected such greed from her father
The sabherwals was shocked and agreed but then Anokhi said
"No need to give money,I don't need your permission to get married"
You don't care about me anyway,so please let it be,I'm only your money making machine

After hearing this,Anokhi's father fumed in anger and went towards Anokhi and was about to slap her just when tej stopped her and said "we agree to give you money and house,but on one condition"
"You will never came to find your daughter and never ever came here to Sabherwal house"
He agreed and they give him money
He looked satisfied just when anokhi stopped her and asked "Why you don't love me?
I'm your daughter,so why you treat me like nothing"
Nothing hurt her but her father's rejection made her weak
On the other hand Anokhi's father didn't paid attention and left
Anokhi was in deep shock as she wanted everything sorted between her and her family
She looked at tej and almost bursted when he said "You don't have to cry, don't worry
You're going to marry Shaurya and we are here for you "Kanya Daan"
You're like our own daughter
And now everyone get ready for "Shakhi" maariage
Everyone was happy and went to their rooms just when Shaurya eneterd Anokhi room with chocolate icecream to calm her down
When he enters the room,he saw anokhi crying and went to her and said - "I'm sorry,I don't stop your father when he tried to slap you,but I promise from now on, I will save you from every problem
Please stop crying"
Anokhi looked at him with moist eyes and hugged him and said -"Thank you,,because of you I got a father  today"
And I love you always
You don't need to say sorry because I know you also was in deep shock
Then they both eaten icecream and slept by hugging each other

ANOKHI THOUGHTS - As for Anokhi shaurya is like a candle in her dark world,who guide her always

Next update -  Maariage ritual started and many more interesting things on the way

Stay tuned❤

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