Shaurya Anokhi reunite

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As Shaurya was crying je saw people gathered and went there and saw a bunch of boys trying to bully a girl
He went there just when a boy was pulling her dupatta
He kicked the boy and saw the girl and got shocked

The girl was no one other than Anokhi
He saw her as she was crying badly and shivering
Shaurya felt angry and beat  the boys and breaked their bones when police caught them


Shaurya move towards Anokhi as she was shivering and hugged her
Anokhi didn't  see the person but she felt that he knew that person
As she looked up she saw shaurya angry and holding her 

Shaurya - why are you leaving me Nikki

Anokhi - Crying* Why you care,just spend the night with Shagun. Your-rr love

Shaurya was confused as he didn't know what Anokhi was talking about

Shaurya- What??

Anokhi - Shagun sent me a photo of you and her in bed together😭

Shaurya got angry and called shagun

Shagun - Hello

Shaurya - What photo you sent to Anokhi
Just tell me or I will eat you raw

Shagun - I just sent it for fun as it was edited
Shaurya cuts call and Anokhi heard everything

Anokhi was still crying and hugged Shaurya as she was frightened
Shauray took her to car and tried to calm her down but she was shivering with fear and thinking that how  she trusted shagun not Shaurya

She joined her hands and begged against shaurya as she didn't want to lose  him
Shaurya looked at her and hugged her and kissed her to calm her down
But she bursts into tear and he criddeld her like a baby as she fall asleep

Shaurya was looking at her and she mumbled "Don't leave me"
"I can't live without you Shaurya"
Shaurya recorded her and she woke up and looked at shaurya and said "I love you" and blushed

Shaurya went to her and kissed her as he wanted her so much
Anokhi kissed him back as she was missing his touch

They both hugged each other and went into hotel to sleep


As they went inside the room,Anokhi kissed Shaurya tightly as he will leave her
Shaurya too kissed her passionately and tried to stay in control

PREACP - Do they really stay in control or something will happen between  them

Stay tuned ❤

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