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Sorry sorry sorry
Ik I'm always late but this time I'm super late

Story -
As we knew that shaurya love Anokhi and her past so  he decided to gift her something meaningful and he was thinking of the perfect gift when he saw a small little puppy on road who was in bad condition
He took  the dog to vet and the vet told him that teh dog was badly tramatised,beaten and even he had scars of accident
It was clearly visible that the puppy is left with a trauma that will never leave him

Shaurya was very sad about the dog's condition and health that he decided to adopt the dog
He took the dog back home when no one was at home
He wanted to surprise everyone so he put the dog in a small box and went to shower
Everyone came home and the little one came out of box and started barking loudly
Everyone was hearing the noises and they decided to check on that
Anokhi went upstairs when the dog came running downstairs and anokhi was so shocked that she shouted and ran downstairs
She was running and everyone was laughing at her when. She was running without watching where's she's going and she ran from outside the house screaming
Shaurya came and saw terrified anokhi so he went to anokhi and calmed her
When anokhi was calm she looked at the puppy who was terrified because of her screaming so she went to the puppy and hold him and tried to calm him down
The puppy felt safe in her arms and automatically they got attached to each other
She was very overwhelmed to have a cute little puppy

Precap - Death

Take care

See you guys soon (yk😉)
Till then bye ❤

Sryy guys again

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