Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the Naruto world, those belong to Kishimoto. Again, this story is mature and includes strong sexual themes and adult language. 

Chapter 1


"Naruto," she whispers, nails digging into my back and her body shuddering beneath mine.

Somehow I knew in the back of my mind that this would be the last time in a while, maybe forever, that we would be together like this.

I also knew this was inevitable. We couldn't keep this up forever. She's in love with Sasuke, my best friend and my rival. We had been chasing him for years trying to bring him back to Konoha. Trying to bring him back home. The three of us weren't just team 7, we were a family.

My parents were long gone, sacrificing their lives for me and the village. Sasuke's entire clan was killed off by his own brother, Itachi. Sakura still had her parents, but they were never close. They always resented her for becoming a ninja and putting her life in danger. Over the years, they grew farther and farther apart, distancing themselves from her in fear they would lose her. So they did lose her, just not by death, and we became her family.

That is until Sasuke left.

He wanted revenge for his clan. He wanted to kill his brother.

And we just weren't enough for him. We weren't enough to keep Sasuke from falling into darkness. No matter how much Sakura loved him, no matter how much I fought for him, we weren't enough.

So I became her family and she became mine.

Over the years, we grew up. I went off with Master Jiraiya to train and Sakura stayed behind to apprentice under Lady Tsunade. When I came back three years later, things were different. I wasn't the same loudmouth, trouble maker and Sakura had gained confidence in herself and her skills.

But she was still beautiful.

We had both gotten taller, but she still barely reached my shoulders. Her waist was just as tiny as before, but her hips flowed out subtly. Her loose outfit hid her figure well, but her breasts were definitely bigger than before. I couldn't help but notice the changes on that first day back.

I knew a lot of things, but I didn't know then that she was checking me out too. She also took notice of my physical changes, but neither of us said anything. We pretended not to notice how we had grown up and instead put our full focus into finding and bringing home Sasuke.

It was only natural that we grew closer after that. Every day was spent together; eating lunch, training, going on missions. Before we knew it, she was spending the night at my apartment almost every night. We were together so much, it just kinda happened. We didn't even realize it at first.

It wasn't until we were fighting over the bathroom one morning, that I looked around and saw her stuff spread everywhere. Her toothbrush next to mine, her pink towel next to my orange one, her clothes in my hamper. I remember abandoning our argument and walking into the living room, searching for more evidence. A medical jutsu book on the coffee table, a burgundy throw blanket on the couch. Farther into my room, her clothes rested on top of my dresser. All the signs pointed to us coexisting and I couldn't remember the last time I hadn't slept on the floor beside my bed.

We never talked about it after that. I cleaned out my drawers and placed her clothes inside and later that night she insisted we share the bed for the first time. It was plenty big enough and it was a cold night. Neither of us questioned the progression of our relationship, it just simply was.

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