Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the Naruto world, those belong to Kishimoto. Again, this story is mature and includes strong sexual themes and adult language.

Chapter 14


All this fuss for a little loss of consciousness. Good grief. I groan, sagging into the hospital bed in embarrassment. I work here! Do you know how embarrassing it was having to explain to Suki what exactly I was doing when I passed out? I'm mortified! Thankfully I requested her when I walked in, instead of our other coworker Karen. She's a loud mouth, nosy doctor and I don't want her anywhere near my chart.

Not long after Sasuke left to get Naruto, Suki comes back with a bright smile on her face. I sit up, smiling back, hoping this means I can go home soon. Maybe I didn't need to worry about Naruto at all. I was scared word would get to him that I was in the hospital and he would lose his shit. So I sent Sasuke to collect him. But maybe we can all go home and have the house to ourselves for a bit?

"So, I know why you passed out this morning!" She says cheerfully, coming to sit on the bed beside me. She's not normally this bubbly, but I don't let that bother me. "You are pregnant!"

I'm what? No way. Not possible. My eyes widen as I plead with her to tell me she's joking. The smile slowly falls from her face and she looks around the room unsure.

"Is that not a good thing? Your husband was here earlier, were you guys not trying?"

"Not exactly," I whisper, hands moving to my belly. A baby? "I've been performing the monthly jutsu on time every month."

"That's not full proof though! I always tell people to do the one right after or before, it's much more effective."

"There's only a 1% increased risk of getting pregnant! I didn't think it was that bad," I huff, falling back onto the bed. "How far along am I? I have irregular periods, always have, so I have no idea. I know I had one like three months ago?"

"Your numbers are high, but there's no way to know until we do an ultrasound jutsu. Lucky for you, I double trained a few years ago,so I can do it for you. That is if you want? Otherwise I can send you to the maternity ward and one of the doctors that specializes in this can do it."

"No, I want you!" I shout as my face heats. "I don't want anyone else to know just yet. I have no idea who I can trust."

"Calm down, I won't tell anyone and you don't need to pick a doctor just yet. You have time to think these things through. Do you want to wait until Sasuke comes back or would you like me to perform it now so we can see how far along you are?"

"Can we wait please? He shouldn't be gone too much longer," I say, sighing into the bed. They are going to be thrilled. A small smile starts to build on my face and Suki laughs.

"Realizing there's a baby in there?" She asks, walking towards the door. I nod and she leaves me alone. Using this time to myself, I think about all the possibilities. What will our baby look like? Who will they take after? Will they be excited and loud like Naruto or calm and collected like Sasuke? Will they have pink hair? Because I'll be damned if one of my kids doesn't look like me!

The door slowly creaks open and my two men enter the room. They both smile at me, each sitting on either side of the bed.

"You okay?" Naruto asks softly, brushing his hand through my hair.

"Yeah, are you?" I'm worried about him. His normally tan skin looks pale as he gazes at me.

"He had a mild panic attack, but I handled it," Sasuke says, holding my hand. I don't say anything, but I squeeze his hand in thanks.

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