Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the Naruto world, those belong to Kishimoto. Again, this story is mature and includes strong sexual themes and adult language.

Chapter 6


When I'm woken by a stabbing pain in my heart, I know why. A jutsu that allows you to feel the emotions of your loved one, something passed on from Uchiha to Uchiha, is a beautiful invention. I'm able to feel when she's happy, sad, or frustrated. Even when she's horny late at night and gives herself relief. The only negative side effect is feeling a sharp pain when they sleep with another.

And I'm not even mad about it.

I knew this day would come and I thought I'd be... upset? Mad? Relieved? I'm not sure what I expected to feel, but turned on wasn't it.

Naruto is fucking my wife, right now. As I lay under the stars, trees swaying around me, they are together in Konoha going at it and I have a hard on the size of a tree. Fantastic.

Closing my eyes, I try going back to sleep only to feel another stab of pain not longer after and another an hour later. What the fuck? Three times in one night? I perform the hand signs to release the jutsu, now equal parts annoyed and impressed. I don't think I could go three times in one day, much less in a two hour span.

I smirk, Naruto was totally right. I couldn't handle him. My eyes slowly close, picturing the two of them together. Were they in bed? On the floor? Oh, maybe in the kitchen. That's hot. Before I know it, my hand is in my pants and I'm going into details I really shouldn't. Just before I'm about to cum, a new idea pops into my head. One where I come home and find the two of them, and instead of getting mad... I join them.

What the fuck.

I'm not sure where that thought comes from but I orgasm harder than ever before and my face flushes in embarrassment as I clean up. I slowly take out a picture of us, one taken after the war but before Sakura and I left on our own. Sakura is between Naruto and I, smiling brightly at the camera while I'm looking down at her smiling face, happy to be with my family again. Naruto is also looking at Sakura with pure wonder, eyes alight with happiness.

I sigh, propping the picture against my bag as I search for pen and paper. I haven't written them in a while, even longer for Sakura. If I'm being honest, I had hoped that not writing would push her to act on her feelings with Naruto. I'm not a mean husband, I want my wife happy and if that knucklehead brings her happiness, so be it. Staring at the picture, I try to form my thoughts into words and eventually write them out. One letter for Naruto and another for Sakura.

Calling forth a messenger snake, I attach the letters and send the snake on his way. Hopefully they will get to them by morning. Satisfied, I drag myself back to the sleeping bag and try to get some sleep before the sun rises.


It certainly took you long enough to bang my wife.

Yeah, I know what happened last night. I told you before I'm not dumb, and I'm not. I'm not sure what happened to escalate things, but I'm glad they did. I expected this long ago actually and I was getting worried. Sakura needs someone while I'm gone and that someone is you. If anyone else was to lay a finger on her, I'd break their bones and feed them to my Susanoo. But with you, I'm quite pleased with the arrangement.

I just wanted to make sure there's no lingering guilt, for you or her. I'm fully okay with this, which is a bit surprising. I know I agreed to it years ago, but I still thought I'd feel different when it actually happened. You don't need to know the details of how I felt, just know it's all positive feelings.

Moving on, I won't bore you with the details, but I've found a few temples. I'm slowly piecing information together and I expect to be back in the next two years. I'm finding them faster than I thought. So be warned, I will be coming back. Don't get too comfortable between her legs.

There's also a letter for Sakura in here, please make sure she gets it. She might cry a bit, just give her a hug and slap her ass. She'll like that. Promise.


The guy whose wife you're fucking

PS: How the fuck did you go three times in one night? I'm both impressed and greatly annoyed. You are right, I couldn't handle you. Be careful with Sakura, please don't break our woman.


I know it's been too long since you received a letter from me, and for that I blame you guys. I've been waiting patiently for the two of you to screw and I figured if you heard less from me that I would help things along.

Yes I gave Naruto permission. Yes, I'm okay with this. I promise.

I did think I would be mad or sad, but I'm not. Please keep this to yourself, but last night I was downright giddy when I knew you two were going at it. Gave me the biggest boner I've had in years picturing the two of you together. Which is a bit weird, but it works.

I've always wanted you to be happy, Sakura. Always. And I knew when I left three years ago that I'd need to be okay with you and Naruto potentially being together again. I couldn't leave you alone without coming to terms with that, so I did. I thought long and hard on it and decided I would be happy to have him there to comfort you. It's not ideal by any means, I'd much rather be the one keeping your bed warm at night, but I'm happy with the situation.

And I still love you, I always will. You being happy makes me happy and I couldn't ask for anything more. Just know I will be coming back and I fully expect to fuck all thoughts of my annoying best friend out of your mind. Or I'll tell myself that, but I know he will never leave. You'll always love him regardless of what I do and I accept that. Just make sure you remember who you are married to.

I love you and Sarada, please be safe and know I think of you every day.

Also, sorry for placing that jutsu on you without your permission. I needed to know how you were feeling, that way I could come for you if you really needed me. It's nifty, knowing how you are feeling at any given moment. I cherished your feelings for years, silently checking in on you and sharing your feelings. The side effect was knowing when you slept with another. Three times? How are you still alive? I bet you can't walk for days, so I hope it was worth it.

Anyways, I canceled the jutsu. Not because I'm angry, more so the opposite, but because I no longer need to check on you. I know you are okay now that Naruto is there. I don't know the situation, and I don't need to know, just wanted to make sure you had no regret as I don't.

Your loving husband,


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