Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the Naruto world, those belong to Kishimoto. Again, this story is mature and includes strong sexual themes and adult language.

Chapter 3


It feels good to be home, even if it's only for a short time.

Konoha hasn't changed much, maybe a few new shops have opened. Some places that used to be here are gone now, like the Uchiha compound. I guess Pain destroyed everything and while most buildings were rebuilt, the compound wasn't a priority. I get it, who would want that reminder?

The only Uchiha left is me. And I'm a prime example as to why. We are head strong and power hungry. Not always the worst qualities, but I take it to a whole other level. I almost destroyed the leaf village, the five Kage, and my best friend. All in one day, so there's that.

But here I am, home. Not everyone has accepted me yet, it will take a long time before I can earn my place back here. Until then, I plan on traveling the world to atone for my sins. Helping as many people as I can and finding the true meaning in life.

"Are you sure you have to go?" A voice asks behind me. I turn, facing my best friend and smile. He still looks so shocked with each smile I give, almost like he can't believe it's me. I've now made it my goal to smile at him as often as possible just to see the look of shock on his face.

"Yeah, I need to see the world with new eyes," I reply, nodding my head. I haven't been so sure about anything in my life.

"You gonna ask Sakura to go with you?" He questions, hands stuffed in his orange pockets. That stupid orange color makes me want to amaterasu my own eyeballs.

"Hn," I say, avoiding his eyes. I'm not stupid, I know something happened between them but I have to take my chance. I don't deserve many things in life, especially not Sakura, but she deserves to have the choice. If I didn't think she would be happy going with me, I wouldn't offer.

"Good," he breathes. "I was worried you would insist on going off on your own and break her heart again."

"Dumbass, like you won't miss me too," I tease as his cheeks redden. "She doesn't have to come with me, I'll be okay if she says no. I am a big boy, Naruto. I don't need company."

"She'll go. I know she will," he sighs. He walks towards me, slinging his new arm around my shoulders. I pretend to huff at his touch, but secretly I thrive. Any act of caring and love, I soak in these days. I used to think I didn't need anyone, but the truth is I do. I need love in my life and I've learned to appreciate the people that I care about, mainly Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi sensei. Each has a special place in my heart and I'll do anything to make them happy. It's not just the world that I have to atone to, I need to make it up to my family.

"If you say so," I mumble, shoving his arm off me and heading towards his home. "I'm sure she'll say yes just to get out of your apartment. It's cramped."

"Of course it's cramped! It's a one bedroom place and all three of us are living there," he groans, following behind me.

He's right. After returning to the village, we faced a new issue. I had nowhere to go. The Uchiha compound is gone and my apartment was cleared out years ago. I had little choice but to take Naruto up on his offer to stay with him. I really should have been surprised to find Sakura's things thrown around and her clothes stuffed in the dresser, but I wasn't. I knew how her parents were, how they treated their only child. My blood boils thinking of all the times I comforted her when we were younger, all the times she had no place to go after an argument with them. She had stayed with me a few times, or went to Ino's. I guess she eventually went to Naruto's and never left. Which was okay, she needed someone and he was there. Like I said before, she might choose to stay and I'll be content with that decision.

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