Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the Naruto world, those belong to Kishimoto. Again, this story is mature and includes strong sexual themes and adult language.

Chapter 12


"Operation get Sakura pregnant with our baby is a go!" Naruto shouts, holding out his fist. I ignore him, rolling my eyes at his stupid name.

"Could you not have chosen a more obvious mission name?" I drawl, kicking his shin. He glares at me, but his gaze lacks the heat it used to. Or I should say it has a different heat then it used to. Maybe? I don't know. It looks the same to me, but it feels different now. It does things I'm not ready to fully admit to myself.

We are alone for once, which is weird. Usually someone is always with us, but today Sakura took the kids out for burgers and told us we weren't invited. She left with a smirk on her face and yelled out, "have fun!"

"Dumbass, why did you have to kiss me this morning? Now she's trying to give us alone time," I sneer, glaring at my best friend. Maybe I'll murder him while she's not here? She might not notice if I give her enough sex to make up for him being gone.

"You kissed me!" He shouts, jumping up from this chair.

"Sure," I say, smirking. "Keep telling yourself that. Does it make you feel better?"

"You know what, fuck you. I'm not taking your bait," he says, smiling widely. "No matter who kissed who first, we both enjoyed it."

"Dick head," I mutter.

"Jerk face," he replies. We both laugh and the tension falls away. "See? We don't have to change, we can still be ourselves despite being in a polyarmous relationship."

"Maybe you should give me a blowjob like I suggested, I'm sure our relationship will change then," I snort. Though I watch with interest as his cheeks heat and a dark look takes over his eyes.

"If either of us is getting on their knees, it'll be you first," he says, voice deepening. Fuck. I guess Sakura was right, he is the dominating type. I think I like it.

"Calm your tits, neither of us is doing that," I say, smirking at the thoughts in my head. Not yet.

"Sure," he says, eyes still dark. I have a feeling he knows exactly what I was thinking.

"Does your gayness come from Kurama, or have you always been this way?" I ask lightly, hoping to get a rise. It works.

"I'm not gay, you fuckwad!" He hisses at me. I've never seen him hiss before, it's quite amusing.

"Your tongue down my throat says otherwise," I joke. Who knew annoying him would be such a turn on?

"My dick down your throat will say otherwise," he mumbles. Then glares at me as he realizes his mistake. The kick to my leg this time was worth it.

"Cute," I say, holding myself back as my body desperately wants to rub my injured leg. He kicked me hard. And people say I'm the jerk.

"Can we both just agree that we are bisexual and move on?" He asks, rubbing his eyes. Guess he's deciding to be mature now, and just when I was having such fun. Party pooper.

"I will if you will first," I say, giving in.

"Doesn't me suggesting that, mean I'm saying it first?" He questions, eyes squinting at me. Yes, yes it does. But I want to hear the words from his lips.

"Nope," I say, crossing my arms. I wait, wondering if he will actually say them outloud or if he's going to leave me hanging.

"I'm bisexual for you Sasuke, happy now?" He says through gritted teeth. I bet that hurt his precious ego.

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