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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the Naruto world, those belong to Kishimoto. Again, this story is mature and includes strong sexual themes and adult language. Authors note at the end!



"Papa, Sarada punched me in the face!" Boruto yells, running into the kitchen holding his nose. Blood pours from between his fingers as I slowly put down the spoon I was using to stir dinner.

"Well, what did you do to deserve it?" I ask, dropping down and pulling his hand away. I wince, seeing his nose is almost broken.

"Why does it always have to be my fault?" He groans, tilting his head back. I grab a towel off the counter and put it against his nose and sigh.

"It's always your fault, let's be honest. Your mom can fix it when she wakes up from her nap."

"Is not! I didn't do anything this time, I swear!" He mumbles into the towel.

"Did you say anything before she punched you?" I ask, taking a seat at the table and sighing in relief. Being an overworked house husband is hard. My feet ache all the damn time.

"I asked when she was going to grow boobs."

"You asked her what?" I shout. I thought I had more time, they are only fifteen years old! He's already thinking about boobs?

"Well, most girls our age have them. Sarada's aren't growing as fast as theirs. Is that normal? I was just worried about her, ya know!"

Dammit. Why is he looking at her chest? I thought they would grow into siblings, but they seem to just be two best friends that fight a lot. Like all the damn time. They remind me too much of Naruto and myself, which isn't a good thing. If we were allowed to live together at this age? My God. We'd either have killed each other or started dating. Or both.

"It's not really appropriate to be looking at anyone's chest," I say, crossing my arms. I really want to punch him now too. Stupid brat.

"I can't help it! Sometimes my eyes just drift down. It doesn't happen with other girls, at least not that much, but Sarada is... different."

I really don't want to be having this conversation. Why can't they just be brother and sister dammit? And why are Naruto and Sakura always missing for these talks? Can't they deal with this? They are the ones who agreed to supporting the kids if they started dating, not me.

"Still, try not to. Otherwise she's going to keep hitting you. And do yourself a favor. If you are going to look at her boobs, don't tell her! Idiot. And definitely don't compare her to other girls. Chicks hate that."

Again, I can't believe I'm having this conversation with someone I see as my son about my daughter. Our family is fucking weird.

"I'm home!" Naruto says, coming in the front door. Thank fuck. He can talk to our son now, because I'm tapping out. He walks in and immediately pulls the towel away from Boruto's face. "Ouch! What'd you do to Sarada this time?"

"Why does everyone assume it's always my fault!" He yells, snatching the towel from Naruto's hand and running upstairs. We hear a door slam and loud music starts. Teenagers.

"He made a comment about Sarada's boobs not growing and she punched him," I say, leaning over to kiss him hello. He kisses me back for a second before pulling away and sighing.

"Is he finally checking her out? I'm surprised it's taken this long," he groans, lifting the pot lid and smelling the soup. "Oh this smells good!"

"Did you check out girls at fifteen? I can't remember anymore. I'm too old," I grumble.

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