Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the Naruto world, those belong to Kishimoto. Again, this story is mature and includes strong sexual themes and adult language.

Chapter 13


Here we are, sitting at the table again. I guess this is where we hold our meetings? This time, Sasuke and Sakura sit across from me as I defend my point. Glaring at them, I almost consider summoning a clone so I have someone else on my side.

"I just don't think it's a good idea yet," Sakura says, arms crossed on the table. Sasuke nods unhelpfully beside her, arm slung around her shoulders and I point my glare at him. Why does he get to be the one to cuddle her while I'm over here by myself?

"We have to start somewhere!" I insist, sitting forward in my seat and placing my palms on the table. "They deserve to know!"

"No one deserves to know, Naruto! Except maybe our kids," Sakura shouts back.

"I agree, if you want to start somewhere I suggest we tell them first. They basically already know," Sasuke says, staring at his nail beds and I resist the urge to throw that bastard through a wall.

"You are so helpful Sasuke," I groan, kicking my foot out to connect with his knee. But I miss. I miss big time. In slow motion, Sakura's eyes widen and her mouth drops open. She lurches from the chair and her fist comes rushing towards my face. At the last second, she diverts her wrath to the table and it smashes apart. Breathing heavily, we all stare at each other before we break apart in laughter.

"I didn't think the table was that weak," Sakura wheezes out, sitting back in her chair and holding her stomach.

"Imagine if you actually hit Naruto!" Sasuke says laughing harder. "He'd have gone through the wall."

"Shut up, dumbass," I manage to get out, still laughing. The sliding door beside us rolls open and two heads peek in to check on us. Blue and black eyes widen as they take in the destruction of the table. They note us laughing and slowly retract their heads and shut the door again. Guess they are satisfied we won't kill each other. Not today. We laugh even harder.

"So," I start as the laughter finally starts dying down. "Will you guys at least give me a chance to explain?"

"Sure," Sakura says, face showing openness. At least she's willing to listen to me now!

"Hn," Sasuke says, still unhelpful.

"First," I kneel down in the wreckage, ignoring as sharp splinters cut into my legs, and kiss the red spot on Sakura's knee. Looking up, I take in her flushed face as she leans down to kiss me. Sasuke groans, annoyed at my antics, but they weren't for his benefit. Pulling back, I make my way into my chair again. "And you said Sasuke is the sweet one."

"Oh hush," Sakura says, skin still a light pink. "Make your case before I try punching you again."

"So one," I say, holding up one finger. "They already know about me and Sakura's relationship since Hinata told them before she passed. Two, they know you are here Sasuke since you've been around the village and now stay home with the kids all day. Three, they have to have questions on how this is working. Me and Sakura are together, but you guys are married. If they have questions, we will spend the whole night under their scrutiny as they try to figure us out. Which, trust me, is annoying. Four, the kids half know already and could easily say something that gives us away or makes us look bad. Then we will have questions in front of the kids, ones we don't want to answer in front of everyone. Himawari's vocabulary has exploded the last few weeks and she's able to make sentences now. Being the youngest, she is the most likely to blab about us all sleeping together without thought. And finally, five, they are family. If this somehow gets out before we tell them, they would be devastated that I wasn't the one to tell them. We need to take a step guys, we can't hide away forever, and this is our first step."

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