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Sorry for the short chapter. :-( but I updated!
I walked along with Saskia to the Great Hall for the sorting and the feast.

"So which house do you want to be in?" I ask Saskia. She gives me a look that plainly says, "Are you kidding me, what do you think?!"

"Slytherin!" We both say at the same time. As we enter the Great Hall I hear Saskia give a small gasp. I smile. I remember coming in here as a first year and being amazed at the magical ceiling of the Great Hall that mimicked the outside weather. First the new first years get sorted quickly and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th years. Nothing much changed there. And then it's time for the 7th years to get sorted.

"Hannah Abbott!" Headmistress McGonagall calls out.

"Hufflepuff!" The sorting hat sings out. Hannah smiles and reclaims her regular seat at the Hufflepuff table.

"Hermione Granger!" McGonagall says. Silence. It's not like I'm going to go up there. I'm not Hermione Granger. She's gone forever. McGonagall then looks as if she remembered something important. Kids look around confused.

"Saskia Ayala!" Saskia struts up like a muggle model. She could easily be one too, she's gorgeous.

"Slytherin!!" The hat calls out barely getting to touch her head. Saskia smiles and sits down at the Slytherin table.

"Katrina Hanson!" I walk up and the sorting hat gets placed on my head.

Oh Hermione Granger, Gryffindor princess, straight A+ all time good girl. Who knew that she had dark side. Maybe it's best to keep you in Gryffindor, away from the darkness.
"No. Freakin. Way." I think to the hat. "SLYTHERIN."
Oh alright.

"Slytherin!" The hat calls out. I smile victoriously and walk over to the Slytherin table where Saskia's sitting with Draco. Draco smiles at me. We hold hands underneath the table. Oh, but don't let that fool you. I know the second we're out of the teachers eyes the third world war is going to start. Literally. But for now we're peacefully waiting for dinner.

"Finally!" Draco says when food appears. "I'm starved." I laugh.

"So, you too have made up?" Saskia asks me. I shake my head and laugh.

"Oh, Saskia. No, no, no. We're nowhere near making up. Prepare for World War III. And you're on my team." I say.

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