Midnight Dark

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  • Dedicated to My Mommy <33

A buzzing phone rang in the back pocket of Grace's pocket. Rolling her eyes, she pulled away from kissing her now serious boyfriend, Hunter who was mumbling under his breathe ' such a turn off'. Seeing five missed calls from her one friend, Alexis, Grace hesitated. "Hunter..I've really got to go. Alexis is going to kill me. I promised I'd help her promise decorate for the party tonight." Grace said meeting the boy's silver eyes with her light green ones. "Come on, it wouldn't hurt if you were like twenty minutes late." Hunter mumbled softly kissing the girl's neck. Rolling her eyes, Grace closed her eyes breathing softly, "Fine..."

Alexis' P.O.V

"Where is she? She said she'd be here, and she kept rejecting my calls! What a bitch! I need help with the party decoartions." Alexis complained slamming her phone on the table causing the blonde boy, Austin, behind her to flinch softly. Chuckling softly, Austin walked up to his girlfriend wrapping his strong arms around her waist, "I'll call, Hunter. Maybe they'er together alright?" he said resting his head on the girl's shoulder. Smiling, Alexis leaned into the tall boy, "You do that, babe?" and turned around kissing him softly, before he turned away with a smirk walking into the kitchen of the house. Sighing, Alexis wrapped her long skinny fingers around the lid of the box, marked 'decorations' and opened it up taking out the little plastic baggy full of gold, black, white and silver ballons, and sat down on the table handing some to another friend of her's, Haley, that was also helping decorate. Blowing up a gold one, Alexis took a breathe and sighed saying, "I can't stand Grace dating Hunter. He's a major asshole that just wants to get into her pants, then will break her heart in the end." and added a little eyeroll at the end. Haley sighed and shrugged finishing blowing up the second ballong, "I kinda agree. Like...I get what you're saying. Hunter is a douche, and he's known in school for sleeping around. The stupid thing is, that Grace knows that! But yet, she still dates him." Alexis shrugged throwing the ballons onto the floor and said, "At least she's not crushing on Connor anymore. He's the same way. Sleeping around just cause all the girl's like Blake." Haley chuckled softly, taking a sip of her water that was set on the table, "I guess. But he is hot. I mean, that curley hair. Those cheeky dimples. And oh my gosh..those stunning electric green eyes. Admit it. He's hot." Alexis rolled her eyes, blowing up another ballon and tied it up when finished, adding it to the floor. Looking up, she smiled softly seeing Austin walking back. "Well?" she asked as her boyfriend walked up to her. "He said they'll be on their way." Austin said, grabbing some ballons and also began to blow some up.

Grace's P.O.V 

Resting her head back, Grace adjusted the scarf on her neck letting out a yawn. Pushing back her bangs, she sat up in the chair and smiled softly. "Ok, so why is Alexis like, flipping out?" Hunter asked, looking over at Grace as they stopped at a stop light. Rolling her eyes Grace said, "Because, she's my bestfriend and I told her that I would help her decorate. She hates it when people are late, kinda like me." and scrunched up her nose. Nodding, Hunter put on the blinker turning  when the light turned back to green, driving down the long narrow road, surronded by trees, that lead to Alexis' mansion. 

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