Cheater, Cheater. Pumpkin Eater (Chapter 3)

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I could just feel the tension building up as the two argued between each other back and fouth. "Alright, listen up, babe, shut the fuck up and get out of my house." Alexis said crossing her arms over her chest and took a breathe. Biting my lip, I felt a bit awkward and met eyes with Connor, mouthing 'I'm sorry - she's just..rude'. He chuckled softly, and rubbed his thumb underneath his lip before nodding and put his hands up, "Whatever pleases you, Princess." he said walking out.

Looking at Alexis, I arched my eyebrow. "That was rude, you know. Anyone can come to the party." I said, taking a sip from my drink and walked off, pulling up my strapless black dress. My silver heels clicked along the floor, and I twirled my hair setting the red plastic cup down on the table, looking around for Hunter. Where was he? Gulping, I ran a hand through my finger as I searched for brown haired and silver eyed boy. Bumping into someone, I smiled at my friend. Haley. "Hey, did you see Hunter?" I asked her, and she nodded replying "I saw him going upstairs, I think he's looking for a bathroom or something."

Slowly, I walked up the stairs, my hair bouncing softly on my shoulders. Looking to the left, I sighed walking down the hallway full of rooms. Hearing a buzzing from my phone, I took it out reading a text from Alexis: i saw you going upstairs, can you go into the guest room and get my spare dress? haley's throwing up. Rolling my eyes, I bit my lip turning around and walked to the door to the guest room. Frowning as it wouldn't budge open, I stretched my arm up grabbing the key which was atop of the doorway and unlocked the room opening it up, only to have my heart drop at what I saw in front of my eyes. Hunter was on the bed, with Mel. My own friend. "H-hunter?"  I stuttered, and turned around covering my mouth as i kicked off my heels carrying them in my hand running down the stairs. Ignoring Hunter's shouts. The music blasted in my ears. All that was in my mind was running out the door and getting away from Hunter. I didn't care that he was behind me. Or that he was going to make up some lame excuse saying 'it's not what it looked like'. I hated him. Hated him so much. Why didn't I listen to Alexis about him? 

I stepped outside into the fresh New Jersey air. I swallowed the lump in my throat, pushing my hair back behind my shoulder. I could still hear the music faintly. Sitting down on one of the steps, I bit my lip tapping my foot softly, listening to the beat. It was chilly out, but I didn't care. Hearing footsteps, I looked up spotting the same boy from before. The boy with curly hair. Connor. He was walking towards me. My heart began to pound in my chest and I began to shake a bit, but blamed it on the cold. "You okay? Your mascara is kinda all over your cheeks." he said with a crooked smile. Rolling my eyes, I got up nodding. "So what if it is? And yes..I'm fine..." I mumbled bitting the inside of my cheek as our eyes met, and I quickly looked down. "You're obviously not." he said. Looking up at him, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms arching my eyebrow "Excuse me? But who are you to say that? I'm fine, alright. And why do you care? It's not like we even talk in school. You're all Mr. Popular, and then I'm just a normal person." I snapped. Looking as he laughed softly, I frowned saying "What's so funny?" in a pissed tone. Looking at me, he smirked replying "Nothing..nothing. But seriously, what's wrong? You were just crying. Or are you on your period?" Gosh, was this guy annoying, and a smart aleck. For sure. "No, I'm not on my period, but thanks for asking. And once again, why should you care? It's not like I'm even friends with you." I said. "Anyways, what would make me be friends with an idiot like you." she mumbled under her breathe, biting her lip instantly feeling bad.  Nodding, Connor ran a hand through his hair saying "Fine then. I'll just be on my way..again." and turned on his heels walking off. "Connor...wait." I said as my arm hung by me side, and my other arm lay across my shoulder as I held onto my elbow. "Hunter cheated on me, alright. Are you like satisfied now?" I said, gulping. The boy stopped turning around and looked at me and sighed, "Do you want me to talk with him and with who?" he asked. Biting my lip, I pushed my hair behind my ear shaking my head, "No..don't do that..and Mel." I replied, looking up as he began to walk closer to me again. "Aren't you friends with Mel?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows together. "Yeah..well..was...I'm not going to talk to her anymore." I said, "Why are you still here anyways? I thought Alexis kicked you out." Chuckinling softly, Connor nodded. "Yeah, just waiting for my Aunt to come and pick me up. She said he'd be running late cause he's coming from work." he said. Frowning, I looked at him. "Wait, you life with your aunt?" I asked. He opened his mouth about to answer, but just then a car pulled up beeping. "That's her..I've got to go. See you tomorrow I guess." he said waving as he hopped in. "Yeah, bye." I mumbled turning and walked back inside. 

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