He Was Just Here.

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The hallways of the once happy home she lived in, was now haunted with echoes of laughter, a small child seemingly excited as she ran away from her father who chased her towards the living room. She passed by those hallways, nothing to hear other than the soft steps of her shoes and the shakiness of her own breath as she kept herself from breaking down, trying to stay strong. She didn't walk those hallways one last time.. but it felt empty. Something was missing. It was him.

1991, November 24

"You know, I can just stay here too and watch over you" Micky replied as she gently sat down the Rolling stone magazine to her lap, seated down beside the bed looking back at Freddie with a soft smile as she held his hand. It had been hard the past few days and she had stopped going to school in order to take care of him along with her pops Jim, but then again she never missed the school work as Darcie and Sean delivers the work she missed to her home so she can study there and keep her grades high regardless of the trouble she was facing now, she never thought this day would come and how it just happened so fast.

"Well we're just glad that you're keeping up with your studies darling, I am sorry that you don't get to see Darcie and Sean that often now" Freddie replied calmly with a grin planted upon his face as he looked up at her laying against the bed beside Jim who was sleeping soundly at the time, they did not wish to wake him as he had been up all night too, it was her turn to watch over him now no matter how late it got but seeing how beautiful his little girl grew thanks to his love and care for 15 years and the idea of him, Jim and Micky as his little happy family, he felt as if she'd still stay strong even if.. he was gone.

They needed and loved each other but he just wished she'd stay the same, the same brave little girl even after he's gone and Jim would be the one to watch her grow into a bright young lady. He wished to experience that though, to see Micky have her first prom date, to see her graduate college and start her own job, become a wonderful woman, hold her close as he walks her down the aisle in front of the man/woman who will make her feel loved every single day like he did and to finally meet the children who will complete her and make her happy as she did in his life.

Her eyes slowly gazed down to her hand that held his, she kept his hand close and tight against hers as she chuckled shaking her head "No worries dad they understand after all, once they send my homework for today we often have a small chat and they understand I'm taking care of you along with papa"

"Besides, I'm glad I'm taking care of you and it's the only time I get to stay up this late" She replied teasingly as she looked at the clock realizing it was 3 in the morning and of course often her dad would wake up in the middle of the night asking for help to get something for him before going back to bed " You should rest now dad, it's getting really late" she whispered softly as she gave him a soft kiss on the forehead before gently rubbing his hand with her fingers. He looked back at her and let out a soft and weak chuckle before he slowly drifted back to sleep. "I love you"

" I love you too dad"

Slowly, she gently patted down the blanket that covered both of her parents before she sat back down at the chair before she comfortably fell asleep herself. She didn't understand the sickness nor she did want to know, all she knew was she needed her fathers beside her through out her journey in life, they were all she had after all and she didn't want to lose them.

After a few hours had passed by, she slowly shot awake realizing the sun was already rising and the soft wind brushing against her face, 5:15 in the morning she had to make breakfast for her and Jim so they could start the day all over again and for them to work efficiently later in the day, slowly she creeped her way out of the room trying not to wake her parents in the process of leaving the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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