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Atsumu Mya a pro Volleyball Player that stoppped playing on his highest point of the young age of 28, he reached all his goals all thd Victorys he craved for but now he was done.
Owing a house on the landside were it was quite he enjoyed life, he owend so much money he dosen't need to work.
His other team mates from the black jackal contiuned to play but not him, he wasen't feeling the vibes the thrill anymore pushed him forward get better do more, wanting the victory.

It was just not the same with his old team mates or his twin brother.
No was silent lonley boring.
He had fresh brewed tea in a cub sitting in his garden chair holding the newspaper about another victory of the black jackals, humming he smiled, they were good without him so he had no need to worry about them.
Lifting the cup and pressing it against his thin soft lips he took slow enjoyable sip from the warm liquid, givin a relaxed sigh.

Kita hos old captain told him to help in his farm or at least do something usefule and not become lazy but tsumu ignored it, he was still heartbrocken his captain start dating a girl.

He had for so long a crush, that turend to puppy love end result adoring Love that was never returend. It broke his fragile heart into pices when he got a invite to the Wedding from his former captain and he wasen't sure if he should attemp and see how the Love of his live marry a properly spoiled girl that just was for his looks.

Pitting the cup down he was starteld when his door ring, he went over there open it up and fpund a middle big box with many hole, blinking and scratching his cheek he carried the wodden box inside closing the door.

Ontop was letter, opening the fragile paper he start reading the letters that were very traditional written down "Dear Atsumu Mya,
Please take this humble gift if a inocennt beauty creature, that will protec and Love you and keep your home safe and entertaimend.
In Love Kitsune inuaki the Fox God"

He read the letter twice and crumble it "that havf be bad god ya sure beat ma ass"

He opend the front of the door and came face to face with snow white artic fox.
But wasen't normal ninetails had the little guy and the same eyes his crush, the exat same stern eyes. He blinked, the fox stepped put sitting before him staring at him like how kita did it, stern cold intense.

He looked and blinked, open his mouth closing it gentle before his eyes roll onto his back and crash onto the ground, fainting from the sigh.

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