Chapter 1 : strange Polite Fox

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Chapter 1 : strange Polite Fox

His eyebrows narrowed and his nose twitch by the fresh scent of fresh brewed tea, he lift his hand to stroke over his forhead and massage with his fingertips over his skin "what happend?"

He tryed to remeber why he was on the couch, but the more he though the more light headache slowy craweld up in his head. He grumbels angered over himself but more he was suprised at the extra weigh on his chest, what was it?
He cracked carefully one eye open just to come face to face with the stern eyes of the cute artic fox cruled up on his chest, watching him, patincely.

Now he remeber why he fainted, someone send him a fox as gift, he groaned and closed the eye again feeling the headache now in full force.

He feeled light movment on his chest, quite hehehe whine and soft rough tounge on his chin, he cracked his eyes open again looking at the cute scene before him.

The tiny cat sized fox, wagged his fluffy white tail widly and had his ears flat against the cute fluffed face. Looking still stern but warm at him. Inside atsumu gripped his heart dying and screaming from the cutness and gentle gesture the polite fox gave him "i am ok little guy, ya kinda cute"
He lift his hand to stroke one of the tiny soft fox ears and earned fox purring whine, his lips cracked to smile "ya know i don't know how take care of a fox or alone of myself but..." he gave soft sigh looking at the cute fox "i think i can find out how and give ya the best of the best..just don't piss and shit in my house then ya can go in and out here is that a deal?"

The fox gave yipp and atsumu could swear he saw him nodding at the deal "mabey i hit ma head bit" he slowy get up and the fox jumped down onto the ground watching him, the young men scratched his cheek and took the cup of tea, taking a sip and was suprised "huh....never made tea that good" he blushed wondering anyway were the tea appeared of no were.

He emptied the cup and stood up from his big couch walking to his open kitchen, putting the cup into his sink, beside his other. By that he rose a brow, he could swear his other cup was still in his garden "this strange..." shaking his head and ignoring it he walked to his fridge, looking for the raw chicken he buyed yesterday and looked down at the small fox, who licked his lips sitting polite way down beside him "i wanted cook chicken curry with but ya know, ya need food today and i will give that to ya. Couse i need sit down do some research and get ya things so its ok for ya living here in natural way not unnatrual way" he put the half of it onto a plate the rest back in the fridge and walked arround the counter putting the plate down, waiting that the fox tackle it but, he was still sitting there waiting.
Atsumu who had no clue scratched his head "ya can go and eat, no need wait little guy" jumping up he walked slowy to the plate sniffing the chicken start eating greedly, what made the blond smilling "kay little guy going to my office and look info about ya"

Leaving the little fox alone tsumu went from the kitchen through his floor, going arround the corner to the right side into his office, he sat down and open his Laptop and start his research about owing and taking care of a artic fox and ordered right away things on express as making a list onto a pice of paper, vet number adresse, as food, special diat and things he can get in regular pet shop.

The little fox cleaned the plate licking his lips and sniffed arround the plate, if there is more but nogthing, shaking his body he fluffed his thicc furr up and sniffed the surrounding and search the blond, try to find his scent with his nose.

The little one yipped softly when he found the sweet scent and followed it were the human sat on the chair busy on the laptop, of course he knew what it was.
Wagging widly his tail he run up to him and pawed like gentlemen onto the leg from the human, who got spoked looking down at him "hello little guy, ya done?" He yipped and jumped onto his lap cruled to a ball and start licking his paw, getting comftable on him.

Atsumu was suprised by the behavor "ya pretty polite for fox normal ya guys a full of energie destroy things...huh i am lucky then have ya then" he scratched gently the ear, earning soft hehehe whine and contiune his research and orders.

After good three hourse reading and ordering, tsumu was tired out but suprised how the fox was the hole time quitly on his lap sleeping not disturbing him at all, he scratched his ear and saw light wag of the tail "well since ya staying ya need a name...strangley ya remind me of my old captain..." he sighed his eyes darkend sadly at his old crush, the little fox lift his head looking in the same way kita would look at him just bit more cute and warm " i think i name ya kita, at least ya wont break ma heart leave me or?" He gave strong scratch on the chin of the soft furr earing loud purr and wag of the tail "seems ya like the name, then that's it ya name is kita,ya mine now" he gave amused lough and the fox yipp sound and politly licked on tsumus hand.

"Tomorrow i make appoiment at the vet for ya checking ya and get ya papers, i mean ya have some but ya prop need shots, then we buy ya few things so ya have leash, collar, food, meat and so few toys" he chuckels planning and yawend "for now we go to bed...but first ya go in garden and do ya thing ya know, not that ya piss shit on my bed" hearing that kita jumped down from tsumu's lap and run out were the garden door was still open.

Shooked and suprised atsumu run after him scared he would run off to the wild but was suprised that the little fox listen to him "...ya....more then normal fox...ya pretty smart aint ya?" He watched how he finished his business and walked with him back in, tsumu closed the garden glass door and patted kita's head, a bit shook suprised and walked to the floor, to the left side were there were stairs going up and enter another floor, kita hot on his toe's.
He opend his bedroom door, were a kingsized bed was, a door with walking closet. Two nightstands on each side of the bed, his bed sheets were yellow and the pillows white, he went to the closet got two pilllws and a thicc comftable blanket making a makeshift nest/bed for his new roommate "ok kita, i made ya a bed i hope its comftable till i can buy ya tomorrow a real one" he smiled at his handy work and turend arround seeing that the little guy claimend the left pillow, cleaning his paws allready. He scratched his head and chuckeld "fine ya can sleep there."

Tired from the day he stripped down to his boxers and slipped under his blanket on the right side of the bed, he looked at the cruled up fox and strech his hand out patting the head "goodnight kita, going tell tomorrow samu that we have new family member even he say i am crazy, night little guy"

Kita wagged softly his tail give tsumus hand gentle lick before cruling to himself closing his eyes to sleep. Smilling tsumu get the blanket close, closing his eyes ready for good sleep and not knowing of all the chaos waiting for him in the future.

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