Chapter 6 : Silent Rival's

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Chapter 6 : Silent Rival's

After getting up and with kita's help getting under his shower alone, he asked kita to be bit alone and he could swear he saw him pouting bit but let him have his privat time for now.

Streching his sore body he gave whine saw his little fox step in the shower licking at the water raining down at him, he smiled at the action "hey...sorry got drunk...ugh my body...." he look guilty down, but the fox kita rubbed at his leg get on his hint legs licking his finger. He smiled, he has no idea why he feeled guilty at his little pet fox or why he need explain it.
He gently put him out before the shower "going use some shampoo, they not good for ya furr and skin stay there"
The little fox listen to tsumu sitting down far enough away but watch him shower, how he scrub his skin and try enjoy the shower.
The little fox groweld inside seeing all the marks and how deep they were, he was furious how the farmer used the drunken state to take his human to bed claiming him at his, when he cleary scent market him at his claim, he shook his head forgetting that human's don't have that fine sensitive nose like him. At least he shred few clothes of that invader.

Tsumu in the otherhand was confused, angry with himself.
He got drunk so much that his first time got taken by his former crush using him, was kita just using him right now couse he need let steam off?
He hoped isen't that, that he used him so kita can fuck and took what he treasured for so long just for drunken sex, he punched the shower wall sighed, try relax and finished up, getting into fresh clothes and his little pet fox in a towel since he joined in the water fun.

He carried his little burrito snow fox down to the kitchen, were kita made breakfeast and had glass water two painkiller pills for tsumu.

He sat down onto the chair looking at the plate and feeled bit sick but hungry in the same time, the first thing he did grab the glass of water and swallow the pills down.

Kita sat down on the other free chair, staring at him blank. Watching every move the blond did and when he feed the tiny pet fox. He stared at the tiny fox down with glare knowing he shred in full propuse his clothes. Good thing he brough his other bag in the guestroom so he had enough clothes with him. Both stared and glared silenty at each other like old rivals jumping in the next chance they could get at each other throat.

It was silent glaring contest between gentlemen, they stopped when tsumu sat back down and start eating in same time the blond start stabbing the bacon with his fork.

Atsumu was in his throughs, how he is going to ask kita or if he should. He poked his bacon bit more ignoring that both fox and farmer watched him being lost in his throughs and even when his look got from blank to sad and watered eyes.

The fox glared at the farmer, showing his fangs as warning just to leave but he send the fox a glare back and put his hand onto atsumus squizzing it gently to get the blonds attetion, who looked at him.
Kita sighed "you want talk what we did?" The blond nodded "yes i took your drunken state as chance to fuck you, yes i fucked you several times in the night" he looked from the corner of his eyes at the tiny polar fox who glared at him "but i don't reget it, i have no reget's taking you plus i don't feel guilty. My lover cheated on me and left for someone else, you were drunk confessing to me, so i took it as ok taking you to bed and breaking you that you not able to walk...but seems you reget why is that?" Tsumu swallowed try play smile but failed mostly "ya sound like normal thing to do like was meaning nogthing...were ya just using me kita? Like just get steam off...couse ..." by that kita digged his nails into tsumu's hand "i would never do such as using someone just fuck and get steam off ..." he got his hand close and kissed the back of the hand, staring at atsumu "what if i tell you i had a long crush to and give me chance court you, promise i wont go anywere"

Tsumu clicked his tounge nervous looking at kita unsure "b-but you went with the girl loving her want marry her, what when she comes wanting ya back or ya get boared, being the one....topping couse hell i am not what ya all think that i fuck arround, never did just flirted for fun and reaction...but ya went full on that girl claiming her and all..and i don't know if ya really ready just jump into the next" kita squizzed the hand again painfully and drag the blond onto his lap with alot of force taken him by suprised earing a bark from the fox to be more gentle as leaving his human alone.

Having tsumu on his lap, he grab bit rough his chin and ignore the displeased fox "if i wasen't sure you think i would be here, searching you out. Taking the chance to bed you? If i were fully straigh? No tsumu, i talked sometimes with osamu....he told me alot and he suna helped me alot when...that happend and pushed me forward making a move on you" he  took the hand from the chin to stroke over the tighs squizzing them "you allways were bit girlish...mindless, clumsy, rude to others but never meant it. You actully nice warm heart fragile, touch fenimin how you take care of yourself. And tsumu if goes by that you be the girl in this realtionsship and i be the men" he hold the blond tighly against him, so he rubbed at the muscelar body from kita, even more from the farm work he does.

The blond was quite closed his eyes and put his head tired onto the farmers shoulder, to early and headache arching from being drunk,  the little fox ate angry his food and layed down glaring daggers at the farmer growls more then once, not trusting as try steal whats his.

Kita gave zero attetion to the little tantrum of the fox, his attetion on the blond, were he brushed gently a irretated straw of blond hair out of atsumus face "i make it easy for you tsumu-chan,you belong to me now, you be the girl in this and no i wont get boared couse i am going to be the men in this and in bed.
I wont force you move to my house yet but the longer we date the more i want you near me. For now i come when i have time and weekend but on one point i want your pretty ass in my house....." he looked at the fox "...even with your pet, i would prepare yard for him i have more land then you so i could give him more room run and even little hunts so he can stay outside were he belongs with nice den or stable house" he watch the fox look even more displeased walking stumping away and lay on the couch.

Atsumu in otherhand was bit blank sitting on kita's lap, he was bit lost not knowing what to say "i guess.... that's fair?" Kita gave low grunt accept that answer "good then your mine now....and carefule i am not good in sharing what's mine" tsumu nodded irretated his head getting wincing up and went to the couch were his fox claimend his lap and enjoy the scratches on the ear.

Kita cleaned the dishes as the table and kitchen before he tryed join the couch only get groweled at the fox, tsumu grabbed him gently hugging "don't, he belong to the family" the little fox looked at him displeased but sighed he would get his human in his way, even if it means play dirty.
Kita got closed pat the little fox bit to rough and propuse on the head, those two had one goal and that was get the other out of the way.

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