Chapter 5 : drink's with reget's part 2

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🍫WARNING on this chapter contains smut! Yaoi! If you don't like it skip it or don't even read or comment just scroll away!

Chapter 5 : drink's with reget's part 2

Kita looked greedly down at the drunken blond and stroked his tanned hand over the chest, he was tipsy not drunk like atsumu and he half way know what he was doing with his foggy mind.

He licked his lips, this would be the one time he could have a taste from something he longed before he meet the girl that cheated on him, he dreamend to often having the former setter on his knee's and took him hard for not listeting to him or the team or when he acted up, now he could do it without any regets or hurting someone, he confessed to him right? So he was allowed to touch this body and claim it.
" you such good boy right now..." he geabbed the chin from tsumu who looked confused but smiled hiccuping up at him "i allways was kita-san,  but why we nude?" The shorter had to lough, drunk and inocennt.

He pressed they lips together spreading with his free hand the thicc tighs he loved so much, he gave hard squizz to feel the muscels under his strong hands.
He run over it several times loving the strong muscels and the curves before he stroke over the ass crack, making tsumu jump breaking the kiss "k-kita-san?" Kita looked bit annoyed stern down "relax tsumu-chan let me take care of you and take you" his words came calm out between his lips, nearly like a purring sound. Tsumu who was heavy drunk just lay back relax "just a dream i get it, don't prepare me then kita-san take me then, it's just a dream"

Kita rolled his eyes but went after his wish, not to went dry in he spit bit drool on his hand rubbing it on his allready hard lengh and rubbed his tipp that was leaking precum, he bend forward pressing his forhead at tsumus, looking at his eyes and watch him when he pressed forward and slowy enter him.


Fox kita groweled sniffing at the looked door at scratched it in rage, this guy is taking HIS human, he wanted to take him, not him.
Going back to the bags he looked at them and open them up he took shirt boxers out and start ripping few pices to screds.


Kita pressed his forhead harder on tsumus who just giggels wincing when he was half in, he hold still for a moment before he thrust in fully giving a deep quite groan "tsumu-chan you so tigh my little fox" tsumu just gave lough "couse still virgin" that made kita look at atsumu suprised by that information "i see" he gave experiment thrust and hear tsumu moan, licking his dry lips.
He not only took him drunk but was his first and he is going to cherish and keeping this men with all cost.
He nearly let his lengh slip out  before he used his full strengh thrusting back in, not holding back anymore. He wanted him and he wanted him now fully in all the glory the blond was, he kissed arround the moaning lips that left tsumu mouth as soon he start moving in him, that sound more like pitfule whines of a puppy, he loved it.
He changed the angle from his thrust try find his spot, enjoy the tighness that surround his lengh as wetness, what suprised and confused him bit.
His left hand took tigh strong grip onto his hip knowing he would leave marks, since he digged his nails into the soft pale skin. His right hand grabbed roughly tsumus blond hair making him looked to the side so he could bite into the crook of the neck, tasting the metallic onto his tounge knowing he broke the skin made little wound. giving grunt and speed his thrust up, chasing his own lust and pleasure, since tsumu was into a drunken state to regonize any pain.

Kissing slowy arround his neck he let go of the hair and grabbed tsumus lengh, stroking it with his fast strong thrust.
At first he though atsumu never cum, but came with low whine, grunting he gave few more thrust before cumming deep into him.

He looked down at the well pleasured blond and became hard in him again, giving a slow thrust "...this going to be taken care of" he bend forward kissing tsumu again and moved his hips once more.
This going to be long night till kita was stafisied truly with himself.


The blond woke up with massive headache and feeling sick as several parts of his body feel sore and hurted like hell.
The sun was blasting in and he gave painfule groan turing away from it and hid his face into well build tanned chest, an arm sneak arround his shoulder pressing him closer to the warm body.
At first he though of nogthing before his eyes ripped open and looked which chest he was sleeping on, he lift his head even if it was painfule and saw he was sleeping onto his old crush chest, shocked he tryed get up but the strong arm of the other pressed him hard down and the smaller cracked on eye open looking down at him "don't try to stand up you are very sore from what we did, yes i do were drunk"
Atsumu swallowed hard down his throat and his eyes teared up, he did something stupid.
Using his other free hand kita stroke gently over the blond mop "shh...don't, reget it yet, don't couse i don't"
He wanted to say something but swallowed his words down,laying his head back to the chest, why did he feel so guilty?

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