Chapter 2 : shopping spree part 1

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Chapter 2 : shopping spree part 1

He stood there looking down at the human with soft look on his stern eyes, his fox ear twitching and his thicc tail gave a soft wag. He streched his arm out and brushed his clawed fingers very gentle at the cheek and feel the warm soft skin under his fingertips liking the feel of it, a gracefule rare smile decorated the elegant handsome face. Glad that he was choosen to be with this human.

Morning arrived early and the clock changed to six, the sun start rising and beamend gently through the courtins from the large window atsumu owend.

Getting hit by beam of sunlight in middle of his face, the young men turend his hole body in a rush arround making a earthquake feeling on the bed and spooked the little foxy roomate on the left pillow, who looked perplex at his human. Turing away from the sun, that was saying get up the day arrived.

Streching his tiny body kita gave loud yawn and looked at the mountain of bulg that was his human. Shaking his body and strech his body again he jumped over it to the otherside, looking at the peacfule face from the young blond.
Wagging softly his tail he rubbed himself gently at the face from tsumu, rubbing it with his soft furr and tickeling the nose from tsumu, who narrowed his eyes and gave soft groan. Not stafisied kita start licking gentle the eyelids to get him up then the forhead, sighing atsumu put his large hand onto the tiny fox head, scrating gently the ear. Earning whinning hehe and hear the exited fox tail thumping onto the bed matress.

"Good Morning to ya to little guy" he cracked an eye open and looked at the clock, then at the exited little artic fox wagging his tail at him and again at the clock, groaning he turend his body so he layed on his back, using both hands to massage his eyelids and forhead. Kita took it as invite and jumped onto the chest, licking exited his chin giving little cute fox sounds to get tsumus attetion.

"Ya do realise it's six o clock or...normal i sleep till ten o clock....." he stop massage his forhead and hold onto the tiny fox staring at his roof, kita gave little whinning sounds at each pat stroke he gets through his soft furr "fine i get up...even way to early ya crazy polite fox at least ya wake me nicer up then samu" he gave a quite chuckel, streching his body and get up, scratching his blond hair and grab some fresh clothes as throwing the old one in the loundry basket.
He went to the bathroom and put the clothes onto the sink counter, getting into the shower cabinet and taking a long warm shower.

Kita meanwhile followed him slowy looking at the loundry and shook his foxy head and walk further in the bathroom, for his taste bit messy still clean.
Seeing the human taking a shower in the cabinet he scratch with his front paws at the glass door and gave quite whine, not liking being in any kind sepperated from him.

Not getting answer he cruled to ball waiting for him to be done, giving light whine.
After hour for kita feeling like forever, tsumu stepped out of the shower and was suprised seeing the little fox waiting for him even more at the exited greeting he get and whinning, he scratched blushing his head "sorry little one i like taking good shower be clean since many say i smell but ya know i don't think so i allways take alot showers keep clean...i think was just back then bully me more"

He patted the exited fox head to calm him down and dry himself then, get his usual clothes on, thicc comftable orange sweater and tigh blue jeans that show every curve he had that need to be shown off.

Grabbing the comb he brushed his blond hair and styled it, stafisied he touched his chin stroking over the skin "mh need to rasor my little stumps away.." he streched his body one more time and picked the little fox up "lets have breakfeast" he carried him out of the bathroom and bedroom to the kitchen, putting him down and open the fridge.

"Well i read ya like fresh raw eggs so..." he grabbed two chicken eggs and get a soup plate and put the two eggs in and tiny pice if the raw chicken from yesterday.

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