Chapter 7 : Angry Little Fox

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🍫angry little fox, maturend contend 18+, don't read and skip if ya don't like it grammar errors no beta.

Chapter 7 : Angry Little Fox

The little Fox watched how the farmer easly and slowy build the yard for him at Atsumu's wishes, that it was connected to the house with a cat like door but that he would wear little collar that send signal to the door to open only for him up, he wished he could keep the farmer out like that.
He gave angry snore watching the two, kita giving unecssery in the fox eyes touches on tsumu's body. Stroking over the hips, head pat's. Hold the hand, he even looked at him when he gave tsumu quick perk on the lips, he snarled.
He can't wait till he was done and leave them alone again.

He had planned making his claim this week, playing dirty, yes but he need too.
This human version of himself leave him no choice, plus this stupid farmer had no idea what atsumu's body can do and that made this human boy so intressting as very precious.

Closing his fox eyes he hope this human did not plant something inside his human before he could. Human's would look strange at the boy as abone him for this unnatrual wonder. He cruled to ball put his tail over his snout so he don't have to watch the two and rest up. He would bite this farmer his ankels or hand if he touch him again.

Tsumu hold thicc metall rod up, while kita put in the hole cement and then earth, so it would stand straigh and tigh. They did it on few diffrent spot and sat then down , well atsumu end up on kita's lap with his head on his shoulder resting against him. They had wait till sunday that it fully drys before they get the metall grille up and part of the roof as building the little house up for the small fox.

The former setter shivered feeling the demanding lips on his neck, nipping the skin and leaving few more marks, the farmer spoke with low deep voice "we can build the rest up tomorrow but we got alot up, mh we good team working together" he stroke with his thump over the hip, resting his head then over the gold mop of hair "you should get few things that keep the fox busy, like slide something to climb plant tree" atsumu hummend in agreemend, feeling comftable being hold like that "ya, get it this week, few things" kita give low hum "we can go together otherwise next week, so you don't go alone" the setter gave nod as answer. It wasen't bad idea going together shopping plus seeing the reaction when girls flirt him and kita glaring them down, indeed would be intressting to watch the farmer get angry.

Getting from the lap and earning unpleased growl from the other, not wanting let go of him now he streched his body and winced at his sore back, the farmer put hand onto the back giving relaxing circeld stroke, both head inside and start cooking together, more ever tsumu helping kita cook a little curry stew and get the little fox portion ready and set the table.

Opening his fox eyes he looked over the two working in the kitchen and look at his plate, raw chicken few other things he like, he wasen't really hungry. Anger nibbeling his mind couse of the other but he needed to eat to keep his energie level up, hopping down the couch he saw how they start eating on the dinning table and start eating his dish listening to they convo.
Furious at few words he break the chicken bone very loudly, that both humans look at him but he ignored it, cleaning his plate and went in garden do his buiness, he really can't wait till the day went on.

He went back inside only swallow snarl seeing the farmer inviting the blond in to shower with him who agreed, knowing exatly how this end up. He could smell it, giving unpleasent growl he jumped on the couch claming his spot and go deaf for now, try not let his anger and building rage get the best of him.

Back to kita and atsumu, the blond was massage the shampoo into the farmers hair, gently and carefule not let shampoo get to close to the eyes "can't belive ya actully here...helping me and all" washing the shampoo gently out of the white hair he watched the other turn arround grabbing roughly his chin get him more down and feel the cool gel of shampoo hitting his hair and closed his eyes and feel the rough farmer hands firmly massage the soap into the hair "why? I am washing your hair or? And stand here with you in the shower" he washed the shampoo out gripping the shower soap and press tsumu against the cool shower wall, rubbing his hand with alot of soap, pressing his rough hands onto the muscelar chest and spread the soap over the skin, feeling the body once more under his tanned fingertips "do i need to prove i am here?" It wasen't a question but a demmand, plus seeing the flushed suprised face and not drunken state made him hard, atsumu would feel this time in a clear mind his touches and the aftercare.
Pressing his knee between the younger one he forced him spread his legs and tighs give him more access over the flushed soap covered body "you not drunk you will feel i am here" pressing his own hips forward he get comftable between the muscelar tighs, rubbing his allready hard member at the blond's, that slowy got hard and earning a suprised moan, more like soft whimper. Gripping both members he pumped both in the same time staring at the now red flushed face from the former setter "you feel this, still thinking i am not here?" He loved the lewd face atsumu made, the half parted lips, the cracked open eyes watery and filling slowy with lust the red flushing cheeks and that from his doing and no one else "k-kita" ah yes hearing the sweet voice so needy made him even more hard squizzing both they members hard in his hand, painfully rubbing at each other "what is it tsumu, what does my little Fox want?" He got close to tsumus face who turend bright red whispered his word's out, kita had a blank look no emotion showing exept his eyes, he wanted  atsumu but he wanted to hear it also from the blond's lips, wanting him.

"I quite haven't catch what you were saying tsumu, speak up what you want?" He squizzed they member's extra hard together and keep looking at the red faced blond who lift his hand covering his lips, try muffel the moans leaving his lips. He was looking into the farmers blank face gave whined louder moan at a hard squizz "i w-want y-you, y-you here!" Giving deep grunt and letting go of the members, tsumu gave a unpleasent whine but was more suprised when kita lift him up, pressing him at the cooled wet wall.

Even if the young farmer was smaller he was strong from all the farming work and lifting the blond was easy and far more lighter then the heavy rice bags or stones he moved, giving deep hum he groped the familar buttcheeks and moved his hips that his lengh stroke between the cheeks, teasing the blond "good i want you too" he titteld his head to claim the soft thin lips from tsumu and keep rubbing his lengh between the asscheeks, making the younger one whine in the kiss, giving grunting growl he bit down on the bottom lip tug it gently.
Tsumu gave loud moaning whine, needing the rubbing lengh inside instead teasing him but seems kita took his time with him, enjoy every sound and reaction he give his former patitend captain. He nearly jumped out of the arm feeling fingers circeling his entrace sliding slowy in, not one but two finger.
Turning his face and press it into the strong shoulders from his farmer lover, who pressed the fingers in and made scissor like moments inside him "I just prepare you bit, you still very lose" the words came out in a deep grunt and he could feel the teasing hard lengh rubbing at his tighs and asscheeks ready to enter him.

He whined in a whimper when third finger slipped in before they plopped out "kita..." he feeled both strong rough textured hands on each his buttcheeks spreading them and saw the high conctration the farmer had on his face, holding back as good he can, not just pound with no mercy into the blond, no he tryed hold back and let his Lover feel him, every inch of him.

Lifting his head, couse kita was holding still exept give his hands that groped his cheeks and rubbing his lengh at the entrace only let the tipp slipp in.

Looking at each other it was tsumu kissing kita first and moaned in the kiss, when the farmer used that distraction to slip fully into his setter.
Holding still and feeling the tigh heat pulsating at his lengh. He groweled in the kiss, clattering his theet against tsumus forcing him open up and slip his tounge in and rubbed at the inexperiment setters tounge, start move his hips to slow rhym.


Before the locked guestroom and scratching his claws angry and furious at the wooden door, was the little fox. Hearing the slowy louder getting moans and grunts, slapping sound from skin to skin as the heavy smell of lovemaking.
He barked angry, this farmer take his human again, sinking his fangs at the door frame, he ripped pice out spitting it to the side.
He hated the fact he had to wait that the farmer leaves before he can make his move. Still made him furious angry. He knows wasen't last he took him, he knows the night is young.
This farmer had alot of energie, it's suprising that the bed hasen't break yesterday from the force, giving the door a last raged filled scratch he went to he bedroom, laying down on the bed. He wont find sleep till they done. Till this farmer is tired done.
He got under the pillow try muffel the sounds of they bedroom sports, he really can't wait that the other leaves.


Kita was cleanend atsumu from they aktivies and got two painkiller pills for the young blond with glass of water handing it over to him, who gratfully swallowed both pills and drank the water looking shy at his former captain who joined him in the bed "..ya...ya quite greedy" kita gave grunt chuckeld deep "mh just a bit..but we have both good stamina and i know you can take it" atsumu put the glass to the side turing red again "few....that were six rounds kita, how much stamina do ya still have left?" Kita layed back turend his head at him rose a elegant brow at the emberessed blond "quite alot since i am not doing farm work" tsumu's lips parted and closed again laying down, facing away and feeling shy of all the sudden situation, chuckeling kita spooned him from behind and kissed the back of the neck "don't worry i wont be to rough tomorrow before i leave" tsumu swallowed his words feeling the two tanned arms settle at his waist to a strong iron grip so he could not escape.
Sighing and the loss of words he put his arm over kita's, holding his hand.

Kita feeling this turned the hand and interwine they fingers with each other holding gently his hand "sleep now, tomorrow we build the rest" listing to him he let sleep claim him and let the farmer hold him protectivly in his arms.

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