Chapter 4: drink's with reget's part 1

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Chapter 4: drink's with reget's part 1

It was late Thursday and tsumu was in the guest room putting fresh sheets onto the guest bed while kita sat onto the old ones like on a throne watching his human work on the room get everything neatly clean, he even watched him doing the mountain of loundry he had and other things that needed be clean, that was unusal from his point watching him get everything clean up, that you could go with white glove and not find a sprinkle of dust onto it.

Finishing the room tsumu closed it and prepared dinner for both of them egg and pice raw chicken for his little fox and for himself just pice of bread with peanutbutter on and strawberry jam.

After he saw his fox was done he opend the garden door and washed the dishes and waited for kita "ok little kita, tomorrow comes a guest staying for the weekend i want ya to behave..he was kinda special in past...but that's the past...i mean he is straigh i am gay ya know...why i am explaining that.." he run a hand through his blond hair sighing.
His fox looking at him with titteld confused head, looking adorable up at him.

He picked him up and pressed his face at the soft fluffy fox face, rubbing they forheads together chuckeling and closing the gardendoor "sorry to bother ya with past feeling my little kita, just dumb" the little fox just wagged widly his tail and licked over all the face from the blond and little extra time by the lips, blushing he ruffeld the fox head and head to his bedroom, watching how the fox kita claimend the left side of his bed on the head pillow with the new blanket, cruling to comftable fox ball ready to sleep.

Getting stripped down to his boxers he slipped under his blanket he cuddeld into his bed, wondering how much his old captain changed, he stroked over the soft fox head earing wag of the tail and whine, he yawend. Just hope he can keep his emotion in check.


He checked the house over and cleaned a few spots his little chosen human forget to clean and stood beside him before they bed, his tails gave soft wag and he bend forward looking at the soft cute handsome face, his clawed fingers drawing the face every curve, feeling the soft skin under his fingercups, he took extra time by the soft thin lips and licked over his own dry one "one wont hurt..." he get his face close sniffing the face, the sweet soft scent he memorized now since he arrived and love from the start, he gave quick lick over the lips before he pressed his on his humans, his tails wagging bit wild.
He backed away quickly even if his instic screams at him, he turend back laying on the pillow watching him sleep and saw smile decorate his face and was for now stafisied.


For some reason Atsumu had no problem getting early up this time and even made few warm up pratice, he run a finger over his lips.
He had the hole morning strange tingeling feeling there, as if someone kissed him but there was no one there that would but he had a strange dream, that made him blush the hole morning seeing kita with tiny fox ears and nine tails.
Shaking his head he blamend his past feelings and prepared the day made himself and his fox breakfeast and cleaned it off, went short shopping get few drinks, he was sure he needed those this weekend to surive it , that his old crush come.

The Material to build the fox yard arrived to and he organized it onto the back of his garden, he just sat down after organizing when his doorbell ringed and a soft polite knock followed.
His little fox bsrked whined and he got up open the door and was greeted with sigh of his old captain, who had two bags.
He wanted to say something but he had big blush creeping on his face, he still had the neat white short hair with black tips, the blank stern eyes staring into the soul. His body gained more muscels from farming work he guessed but swallowed try not image him without a shirt.
He took deep breath and strech his hand a unsure shy smile on his face inviting his old crush captain in "C-come in kita-san, ya look good"
The shorter male looked sternly at the red cheeks and then at the small artic fox, both staring for while to each other before stepped in ignoring the bark from the fox, who polite went on the couch staring at him.
"Hello Atsumu-chan, you haven't change exept you seem more clean" he run finger over the kitchen cupbiared was stafisied and put his bags down, sitting himself on the kitchen chair.
Tsumu was nervous start cooking water "ya want t-tea or soda, what ya preffer glass warer?" Kita gave deep rich chuckel at the behavior "beer, if you don't mind...i need something strong"
Now tsumu was taken back by that and got can of beer for kita out and himself, his fox looking at the scene displeased.
The dmaller male took the can thankfully and open it, taking a big gulp of it and used his hand in polite way to dry his lips, tsumu took his own drink watching concert as suprised at the calm former captian "sorry tsumu-chan. Just going through alot" atsumu shook his head smilling "na ya ok to fall appart and feel free to talk about kita-san" kita rose brow at the glaring fox that was srnd in his direction but shrug them off looking at the blond sighing sadly drinking the rest of his can and grabbed atsumus to drink his can empty, making the other blush again and get more can of beers out,putting them onto the table.
He grabbed new can after he finished atsumus can watching how he drank his own new one "kinda hard explain...though she was the one you know. We start dating after i gratudated after my last year and then get engaged...and wanted marry this fall....but i cought her cheating with fucking old friend of her...apparently for four months after we promised each other to marry..." by that he had tears run down his face, drinking his fifth can and feel bit dizzy in his head.

Tsumu was by his third bit tipsy but feeled sorry for his old captain "...she don't deserve your tears or that ya be sad. That she decide to run to someone else shows only she never cared...not like ..." he stopped and sighed "ya find someone better who care loves ya for who ya are" he patted the hand from kita, carefule not show his own feelings.

His fox look the scene in pure displeasure groweld even but cruled to ball on couch angry at the situation but can't do anything for now

Kita looked at the blonds hand smiled bitterly at him and took it in his gave it and gentle steong squizz "i know but..." something clicked in the former captain and he took another can watchingcatsumu drink teo more too and then the glaring fox.
Ignoring the fox he looked at the blond "tsumu, come here" tsumu looked bit perplex at him "wha i am here on my chair kita-saaan~" it came bit slurred out but he grabbed the hand bit roughly manhandeling the blond before him patting his lap "no here" his voice was demanding bit drunk but he wanted test something, tsumu shrugged his mind on turn off sat down on the lap.

"Why i am here" but before he could say more kita roughly grab his chin and hold with iron grip his waist "tsumu, do you Love me or had a crush on me?" The blond looked uncomftable and tryed escape both grips gave a unpleasent whine and his drunken tipped mind spoke "and when, ya straigh, ya the past i have no chance" kita let go of the chin from atsumu watching him look ashamend away with emberessmend but keep his grip on the waist "i see"

He was brocken free men and on his lap was his former team mate still loving him, he licked his lips grabbing roughly tsumus chin pressed they lips together "crushing mh?" He put an arm under the long lengs and lift the taller on easy up when he stood up. Looking at the fox who looked displeased at him snarling "then wont reget my moves then" he walked out from the kitchen to the guestroom slam the door closed, locking it and put the blond on the bed pinning him down and press they forheads together.
Mabey they were both to drunk but clothes were flying from the bed and roughs farmer hand, touched the pale skin the first time, this was a thing not to reget or?

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