Chapter 3 : shooping spree part 2

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Chapter 3 : shooping spree part 2

Parking on a free spot he scratch his head looking down at his little company, who stared blank back at him wagging his cute fluffy tail at his sigh.
He gave sigh opened the carrier and zip his jacket down "got an idea get ya in but ya have behave" kita looked up to him, his tiny ears perking up and gave yipping whine, as if he was agreeing to behave "I am guessing ya will do so i going carry ya in my jacket with ya head poking out, don't want to leave ya alone un the car"

Opening the carrier were kita was in the fox nearly jump himself into the jacket, tsumu blinked againnat the behavior but shook his head amused and zipped it up, the little head poking out. He could feel the fox tail wagging against his stomach.

Getting out the car he cheecked if kita was safrley in his jacket, befor locking the car and made his way into the super market and grab a shopping venture, pushing it forward.
He grabbed few fruites and vegetabels, throwing it in the cart and few more since he wasen't living alone anymore and kita needed a good diat to be happy little fox.

Getting to the meat section kita wiggeld in his jacket giving little cute whines pointing with his paw at few beefs and chicken pices, at first tsumu raised an elegant eyebrow at this and wanted to ignore it but kita gave him few kicks with his back legs and tail, that feeled painfully and decide get what the fox begged  or better demanding for.

Pepole watched it amused or were confused why atsumu had a fox in the jacket but leaving him alone after, kita saw them staring and stared with cold blank look at them.
Patting the soft fox head, he put some fatty tuna for himself in and chicken breast, promising himself making this time the chicken curry.

Making they way to the cashier with overfilled cart, atsumu feeled his mobile vibrating in his pants. He fished it out seeing a message from his former captian, asking if he could come next weekend, he bit his lips. Inside trembling, he tryed avoide the men knowing he was with a girl and broke his hope and heart to pices, he  answerwd with question why, not yes or no.

This was just strange, asking come over after months having barley contac.
Paying for the stiff he buyed and carried the bags to the car he stuffed it in again his mobile vibrate with answer, with long text of his girl that cheated breaking his heart he need a good friend bit peace of past.
He sat in his car seat with his current fox kita in his jacket, looking at him questionly up and whined, he scratched softly the ear of the white fox, who gently licked his fingertips as if he was trying to comfort him.

Giving sigh he gave his captain kita answer only if he helps him get the fox yard up. He know its a mistake let him stay by him, brining back old feelings but he allways was a good supporting friend and he would allways help those needing comfort or place to escape. He did the same for suna once and aran. Just relax in his home talking till they could stand on they own feet again leaving.

He good the next message gettong ok he helps and that he be friday on his doorsteps, rubbing his forhead he was spooked feeeöing little cokd nose soft licks on his chin, the fox kita was looking at him worried and smiled bitterly at hin "i am fine, we have get guest bedroom ready for friend of mine, ya will behave yes?"

Kita nuzzeks his fox head into his neck rubbing his soft furr to his sensitive skin and chuckels, few hitting his tickeling spot "i gues this is a yes you will, thank ya" he kissed the forhead of the fox head earing a soft heheje whine and feel the very exited wagging fox tail in his jacket.

He lift him up and put kita in his carrier and sighed, he send osamu a message that kita is coming and if he want come over today.

He got quick answer with thump up and that he brings food.

Smilling he start the car and drived back home, done with shopping for the day. Plus it was lunch time he was getting hungry as he was sure his little fox was to by now hungry.

Arriving in his own parking he saw osamu's car and samu himself waiting for him, he waved his hand and went as soon rsumu parked onto the back of the car and get few shopping bags out, atsumu got out with kita in his jacket once more grabbing the rest of the bags and make his way to his door opening it up for both of them.

Most saw osamu and atsumu allways fighting, allways thinking they hate they guts but thruth be told, those two a closer then anyone. Twinning how suna call it, but they were ok with. They twins and they close as allways best friends and brothers, no one need to understand how they work together, they just do.

Closing the door he put kita down get the leash off but let the collar on, the little fox run after osamu giving good sniff of the leg and follow him bit arround, wagging his tail at him. Samu then finished packing out with tsumu and pat kita's head, who start wag his tail exited and rub his head at samus hand "ya right the fellar is cute, ya have keep him" he got up and got pot out start cooking for both of them some chicken curry, while tsumu prepared some food for kita, picking few meat, fruits and and duck egg he buyed for the little demanding fox and put the tread down "ya can eat kita"

Samu looked at tsumu how he namend the fox rose a amused brow, the blond just blushed chuckeling unsure "well he look act alot like our namend him after him" the grey head just rolled his eyes "not forget ya still loving him..., but glad ya over him" tsumu nodded putting two plates on the table and rest of dish they need, crack open coke bottle to drink.

Kita sat beside his plate watching the twins wag softly his tail and how they interact with each other, he hasen't touched his food by now waiting for them to eat.

As soon the food was on the table and the twins filled they plate and start eating, kita attacked his food with a wagging tail.
Both twins shook they head "ya were right he is unusal polite fox but i think he will be good for ya, like suna is good for me" by that tsumu rolled playfully his eyes "ya...he is good fox well behaved fox and pretty smart. Who ever send him i am glad too" they jpked arround bit keep eating till samu went his way home.
Sighing atsumu was washing the dishes, he did not tell on propuse osamu about kita coming over he would get a earfule from him.

Being done with the day he grabbed package of chips and sat on the couch, kita following him and layed down onto his lap, getting comftable.

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