Chapter 8: wake up call's pleasent unpleasent

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Chapter 8: wake up call's pleasent unpleasent

🍫this chapter contains sexual subjects you properly don't like, scroll away skip the part or leave. No beta so grammars a existing if you find them keep them.🧡🦊

The wind moved the courtins lightly in the guestroom, letting in the moments blazing streams of sunlight enter the darkend room and lumminate the two interwined Lovers up.
Kita alias Shinsuke was allready awaked, used to early morning from farming work.
His sharped eyes watched his younger Lover sleeping, how the chest slowy goes up and down peacfully and relaxed.
His eyes moved up to the rich decorated neck, he left alot if dark bite mark, some very deep and leaving a scar, he was sure of it. Proving his claim and priudly show this golden biy was his and he wasen't ready to share him with anyone.
Looking further up his eyes fixed onto the elegant face, most would call it handsome, sexy.
For him was righter cute, the lips were soft against his nearly as one from a girl, no tsumu's were better more sweet inocennt that he owns.
He looked at the eyes that were closed, hising the chocolate colored eyes. Not as bitter or sweet as the tread but beautifule sharp, clever intilligence hiding in there trickster like from a fox, allways working the next move, something he loved about him.

He brushed bit hair out of the way bend forward kissing the cheek gently, feeling the soft skin on his lips and smell the sweet scent of strawberry and vanilla enter his nose.
His mouth watered by the scent and he remeber they lsst round before they actully fall asleep, the scent got so thicc he came twice in the blond, he feeled so strange like he had to fill him up.
He gave little grunt and let his hand glude over the chest, feeling the skin under hus fingertips and the muscels that the blond build up from playing as professional player.
The hand reached the muscekar tighs, squizzing the muscels lightly. He allways loving those and allways longed touching them, movibg inbetween them and overpower the blond put him in place, now he did and he wont lie it feels good having him under him, moaning whimpering go harder or have mercy. The tigh hotness squizzing his lengh just right, try lurr him to move harder in him, deeper and make him scream his name.

His normal blank look had a soft warm look and his lips had a small but fine smirk on his lips, he gave little annoyed groan feeling his lengh fully hard, cursing under his lips.
He turend himself to much on and his corrent Lover was sleeping in his arms.

He rubbed his hard lengh uncomftable at the back from his younger Lover who made a little sound try move away but shinsuke keeped him in place, keep rubbing his lengh at the soft back.

The blond whined bit try put more force get away from the movemts of the farmer, who hold him in place and start give the pale shoulder soft kisses to calm him down. It worked half way and tsumu stopped struggeling so much and give little small sounds.
Shinsuke worked his way to the neck sucking on diffrent spots he know his little blond was weak and make him sing not loud but lightly gentle. He keep humping his back and let his hand that was squizzing the tighs glide to the middle and let his fingers dance over the still softend lengh, he get slowy but firmly his hand arround it and gave gentle pump  try wake the lust in his Lover and slowy with his gentle touch kisses, skin nipping the lengh inbetween his fingers start to harden.
He pressed himself more at the former setter that his own lengh slipped between the cheeks rubbing there and try find his own relase, it just wasen't enough as stafising him, when his lengh is inside, pounding his relase away, he gave deep growl.
His lips kissed his way up to the earlobe kissing it gently before he took it inbetween his lips sucking on it gently and tickle low whinning moan from his blond setter.

He had smirk in his eyes and his lengh rubbed at the entrace now, his patince for once running low but he don't want him in pain or wake up unhappy, couse he pushed his hole harden lengh in, no he wanted him wake up in a whinning mess, even if it kills him and his own lust was pulsing between his legs hard.
He tug gently with his theet now on the earlope, pressing only his tipp in, moving it in and out try wake tsumu very gentle up.
The blond gave tired moan and his back arched auto pilot press back let kita slipp over the half of his painfule harden lengh get in, geunting and pressing his face into tsumus neck he hold still and let his setter make the pace who whinnigly press back again and have now the full lengh inside him.

Giving tsumu a harsh lick over the neck woke him now up plus, the obivious hardness in him and very light moves kita did, he barley was holding back now "Good Morning my Fox" tsumu shivered by the deep voice gave loud whimper when kitas patince now fully broke, now that he was awake and start pounding away inside his lover. Making him scream out his name in diffrent high pitch voloums, the bed gave painfule cracking sound and tsumu could swear he hear few snapping sounds of the woodframe of it. Proofen his point the bed crashed on the ground suprising both, neverless kita did not stop thrusting his hips forward it even motivate him put more strengh in them "i hope your bed holds my strengh better"
Tsumu clawed the pillow and pressed his face in it screaming his moans in them, progressing that kita woke him up with this, he wont be able walk the next few days.

The little fox got suprised hearing the crash of the bed and barked yipping angry at the reason, this human version really had to do it in tve Morning??
Humab's were more needy then he though and he cursed it down.

Jumping awake now down the bed, he made his way to the kitchen and onto the couch, were the sounds were more quite. He hoped they soon done, it just got him into very bad mood now.
Cleaning his paws he looked at the clock and was shocked it was seven in the morning on a sunday, he woke him that early up just for that. If he was honest with himself he would too.

It was ten in morning when kita carried tsumu downstair and put him onto the chair getting food for the little fox and made simple breakfeast fir himself and the blond, scramble eggs, rice and bacon.
He had a small smile on his lips, obivious in a good mood and proud of himself.
Seeing tsumu eating but struggeling to sit, yes that made him proud and belive he did a good job.
Tsumu in otherhand try enjoy breakfeast but he feeled sore to no end and he gave half heartly mad glares at kita, who he saw had smug face. He sighed, he would lie if he say he don't enjoy it but he is glad he will soon be able walk without a limb.
Is that how suna feeled with samu, when he has his crazy days he just want bend suna over and do what he want to and the raven barley walks straigh for days. Must be, he hoped his farmer boy was for now stafisied and give him time to heal, special the bite marks he set everywere. Who though that kita shinsuke has a kink to leave bite marks all over the places. Shaking his head he finished his food and watched the called farmer washing cheerfully the dishes and cleaned the kitchen "you...pretty proud of yourself" he heard a hum knowing he was listeting "but now i can barley stand or walk, how i am supposed help ya now" kita turend arround looking at the blond "you don't need to. I get that better alone up anyway and faster" he walked to his blond gave him soft but demanding kiss, making tsumu turn bright red and a little fox barking and glaring at him.

He watched on his garden chair how kita get slowy but neat way the yard up to his finished look, he had his little fox on his lap, stroking gently his head.
Watching the farmer was calming him down how conctrade he looked, the sharp eyes, watching that he made no mistake. Arround lunch he had the roof on and half of the little fox house build up.

Atsumu went inside limping try cook lunch, just simble rice, with seasoned vegetabels and dryed fish. He just filling each one with amount, when he feel two strong arms get arround his waist and a chin lay on his shoulder "Looks good" he blushed not looking at him "n-no just cheap cooking, can't re-really cook ya know" the arms tighen arround him he heard geunt "it's good, simple sometimes better then overdid dishes"  he feeled kiss on his shoulder and saw both plates gone and on the table. He limped after him onto his chair, thanking him quitly, he poked his food bit "w-will ya come next weekend?" Kita streched his arm out holdibg tsumus gently "yes and the next one, wont get rid of me now" blushing and smilling he start eating his food finally.

The only one not liking this scene st all was glaring little fox, this was not going well for him.
Next weekend he has to sniff into the bag even deeper just so he can sepperate them before the bond deepend even more.

He watched them wash the dishes and how he then work on last few things on his yard, they end up on couch watching tv. His human all cuddel up on the farmers lap with stupid smile, that should be him holding him like thst and the smile on him not this farmers.
Cursing he was on the other end of couch blending both out try watch the movie, he wasen't noticing how time run out and they both stood up.

Kita had both his bags, hold tsumu roughly kissing him greedy hungry "till next week tsumu, behave so long and rest well" the blond nodded his head closing the door sad he was gone happy that his ass got a break. More ever he allready missed kita in his house and hoped the week flyd on that weekend was fast there and his boyfriend back holding him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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