Chapter One

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Chapter one (Rebecca pov)

On the 31st of July at Godric's Hollow, in the Potter family cottage I blinked as I came aware of the world around me, my little baby body letting out wails. As I finally gain control of my infant body and I manage to stop wailing, I'm passed into my mother's loving arms.

"She is so beautiful! Our precious baby girl! Merlin! James they are both so perfect!" Lily whispers, turning to her husband who is holding Harry.

"Yes, they are!" James whispers back gently rocking Harry, the new parents speaking quietly as not to disturb their new-borns.

"Sirius! Get over here and hold your Godson!" James exclaims quietly.

"Are you sure Prongs? I don't want to drop him!" Sirius mumbles looking at Harry nervously.

"You are not going to drop him Sirius. We trust you with our children, that's why we made you their Godfather!" Lily sighs tiredly, exhausted from giving birth to me and Harry.

"Here Sirius take Harry, so I can take Rebecca." James said, carefully passing Harry to Sirius.

As Sirius looks down at Harry for the first time, I can see the absolute adoration in his eyes. James moves over to Lilly's side, and carefully maneuverers me from her arms. James looks down at me and a loving look comes over his face, as he coos down at me. I gurgle up at him happily.

"She's so beautiful! Now you should rest Lily-bear! You must be exhausted!" James whispers to his wife, leaning down with me pressed against his chest to kiss her forehead.

"I will, I'm so glad they are finally here! I'm so happy!" Lily said smiling at me and Harry tiredly.

"Welcome to the world Harrison James Potter, and Rebecca Lily Potter!" Lilly smiles.

6 months later...

Harry and I sit on the carpet playing with our toys as our parents meet with Sirius and Remus, or as me and Harry know them Padfoot and Mooney. Harry and I are pretty advanced babies, we barely cry, we can sit up and crawl, and we are very close to walking. We have both been practicing talking, but we aren't quite there yet.

Our parents dote on us and shower us both equally with love. I am totally a daddy's girl while Harry seems to prefer our mother.

"Pa'foo" Harry suddenly squeals, flapping his hands excitedly and gaining the attention of the adults.

"Yes! HA!" Sirius shouts as he runs over and scoops Harry up. "Did you hear that? My name is his first word!"

"We heard!" Dad exclaims, pouting a bit. "Come on Harry say something else! Say daddy!"

Hmph, I thought, If Harry can do it so can I.

"Dada!" I squeal, bouncing in my spot.

"Ha! Yes, princess that's it!" Dad shouts smugly, scooping me up and spinning me around making me giggle excitedly.

"Merlin! Our babies our so smart!" Mum sighs happily tickling Harry's tummy and making him squeal.

"Now then, say mommy!" Mum pleads.

At 1+year old...

It is the 31st of October 1981 and tonight is the night Lord Voldemort kills our parents.

Harry and I are a few months over one years old, and our life so far has been filled with happy memories with our parents, Padfoot , and Mooney. Our first birthday was an especially good memory.


Where as Harry and I were squealing happily, as we were flying around quickly on the toy brooms Padfoot got us for our birthday while being chased around by our frantic dad and Mooney.

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