Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter 21 (Rebecca's pov)

"Hello Great Dragon, I am Rebecca Lily Potter-Pendragon. It is an honour to meet you." I hiss in Parseltongue.

"I am Harrison James Potter-Pendragon. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Harry hisses.

"Hello, little hatchlings. It is great to see the Pendragon line rise again. I am Annalise. What brings you to me?" Annalise growls happily.

"We would like to ask a favour of you. Harry, me,and our guardian Sevy, need a tour of the island. I was wondering if you wouldlet us ride you?" I ask.

"It has been centuries since anyone has asked this of me, the previous Pendragon lord loved to ride upon the dragons of Pendragon. I will accept your request as I did his." Annalise hisses reply.

"Thank you so much!" I squeal.

"Thank you, great dragon." Harry says seriously.

"You're welcome, Little hatchlings." Annalise says with care.

"We will find you later when our guardian Sevy has finished moving in." I tell Annalise.

"Very well then." Annalise replies.

"See you later." I shout as I run away to explore the forest, Harry following me.

Time skips to when Sevy has moved in...


We have just told him about going to see the dragon.

"In my defence.. It was all Rebecca's idea." Harry rats me out.

"It wasn't that dangerous; we are Pendragons the dragons on the island won't attack us. Annalise was really friendly, and agreed to let us all ride her to tour the island." I try to explain.

"You may be Pendragons but there hasn't been any for a while, that dragon could have assumed you were an intruder, and attacked you. You need to be more careful, please. I don't want to lose either of you, not after I just got you." Sevy pleads with me.

"Damn Sevy, talk about emotional blackmail. Fine we will be more careful from now on." I promise him, deciding not to tell him about all the potentially dangerous magical creatures we saw in the forest when exploring.

"So, time to ride a dragon!" I exclaim, bouncing in excitement.

We walk out of the castle, and over to where Annalise had been earlier, she is still there, with another Chinese Fireball dragon with her.

"Hey Annalise!" I shout in Parseltongue.

"Hello, little hatchling. This is my mate Hadren, he is going to carry your guardian." Annalise greets us.

"Ok." I say, turning to Sevy. "You will be going on Hadren which is that dragon," I point. "While Harry and I will be going on Annalise."

"Very well, lets get on with it then." Sevy grumble, not too fond of flying.

A few hours later...

We have been flying for a couple of hours, and have found the perfect location for our central city, Drakkon. It is near the centre of the island, and has a massive forest nearby with a river running through it, it will be perfect for the werewolves.
There is also a large lake near the forest that the river runs into, which should be a fun location for a trip for the locals.
There is a big meadow full of wild flowers another good location for a trip, especially for couples.
Then there is a massive flat space for the city to be built on. It is the perfect location.

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