Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15 (Rebecca pov)

I yawn as I wake up the next day, snuggled up in my big warm, comfy bed. I had found a cream coloured nightgown folded on a shelf in the walk in closet last night, one of the pieces of clothing Mipsy had brought up.

Dinner last night had been as amazing roast dinner with all the trimmings, mash, roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, beef, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, sweetcorn, and brussels sprouts all put together with beef gravy.  We weren't able to eat it all as we are still recovering from the malnutrition, and big meals will make us sick.

I slowly push myself up with another yawn, that was the best nights sleep I'd ever had. Thankfully I hadn't had any nightmares of the past.

I get up and shower quickly, excited to start the day. It is the day they are going shopping in Diagon Alley! I can't wait to get a whole new wardrobe of clothes just for me.
The goblin healers had cone around last night and treated the last of our bones, we would need to take a few bone strengthening potions and stick with the potion regime they gave us , but other than that we are good to explore!
I can get my custom made trunk done today! Then I can move the bowtruckles. It just doesn't feel right leaving them in a vault underground all on their own.
I know Harry will want to look at books in the store and so do I, even though we have our own library now in the castle, those are all a few hundred years old. Now that our eidetic memories have been unlocked learning will be a lot easier. I defiantly want to go over what I learned in Hogwarts in my last life, as well as what I would of learned if I hadn't been murdered by pscho snake. It feels like such a long time ago that all that went down. A whole lifetime. This time things will be different. We will get our revenge, and live a healthy, full life.

I shake myself, dispelling my heavy thoughts, enough of that. It is time to live life to its fullest. Starting with breakfast.

"Mommy we are hungry!" My Occamy Skye complains, while my Basilisk Vasuki nods his head in agreement.

"I know babies! Just let mommy get dressed." I say, hurrying into the walk in closet.

I choose a purple, and silver, acromantula silk dress, that is the same style as yesterdays. It may be old fashioned, but it is better than Dudley's old rags, besides it would fit right in with the wizarding worlds pureblood fashion.

I make my way to the kitchen, with my familiars in tow, happy to see my brother already sat at the table eating. My familiars all rush to some silver bowls on the floor with their names engraved on them. I mentally thank the house elves knowing they are behind this.
I sit down at the table, jumping when a full English breakfast appears in front of me. I grin in delight before slowly eating the food, Harry and I can't eat big meals due to being starved, it could kill us, so we have to take things slowly. We have been told to eat what we can, and take our nutrition potions to help us get better.

After breakfast, Harry and I thank the house elves, before donning black cloaks.

"Come on sis, let's portkey to Gringotts, and then go to Diagon alley. We can see if Griphook has any updates for us while we are there, goblins are known to work fast." Harry says, taking hold of my hand.

"Ok." I nod.

"Fang!" We shout.

The portkey sucks us in, spinning us around, creating a nauseating feeling. It feels like being sucked into another dimension. We are suddenly spat out the other side, stumbling to get our balance, and nearly face planting.

I look around taking in the sight of Gringotts, and the busy Goblins. Harry and I join a que to see a teller. We patiently wait for our turn.

"Greetings master Goblin, we are here to see our accounts manager master goblin Griphook." Harry greet him politely, much to the shock of the Goblins around us.

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